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Before a 2007 report by Alber and coworkers, crotonyl-coA carboxylases and reductases (CCRs) were known for reducing crotonyl-coA to butyryl-coA.[1] The report by Alber and coworkers concluded that a specific CCR homolog was able to reduce crotonyl-coA to (2S)-ethyl malonyl-coA which is a favorable reaction.[1] The specific CCR homolog came from the bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides.[1]

Role of Crotonyl-coA in Transcription


Post-translational modification of histones either by acetylation or crotonylation is important for the active transcription of genes.[2] Histone crotonylation is regulated by the concentration of crotonyl-coA which can change based on environmental cell conditions or genetic factors.[2]


  1. ^ a b c Wilson, Micheal C.; Moore, Bradley S. (2012). "Beyond ethylmalonyl-CoA: The functional role of crotonyl-CoAcarboxylase/reductase homologs in expanding polyketide diversity". Nat. Prod. Rep. 29 (1): 72–86. doi:10.1039/c1np00082a. ISSN 0265-0568.
  2. ^ a b Sabari, Benjamin R.; Tang, Zhanyun; Huang, He; Yong-Gonzalez, Vladimir; Molina, Henrik; Kong, Ha Eun; Dai, Lunzhi; Shimada, Miho; Cross, Justin R.; Zhao, Yingming; Roeder, Robert G. (2015-04-16). "Intracellular Crotonyl-CoA Stimulates Transcription through p300-Catalyzed Histone Crotonylation". Molecular Cell. 58 (2): 203–215. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2015.02.029. ISSN 1097-2765. PMID 25818647.