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Th3My$t3r10usN0b0dy is the fictional of James A Cornelius. A highly skilled computer programmer Born April 18th 1982 (current age 35) who founded the Cornelius Programming company along with his brother John Cornelius.


Early years

James A Cornelius was born on April 18th 1982 To father Jacob Cornelius and mother Jamie Cornelius. From a early age James was obsessed with Sci Fi movies. His favorites being Star Wars a New Hope and it's squeal The Empire strikes back. and Star Trek The Motion Picture. He often would stay up late at night when he was suppose to be sleeping to watch old sci fi movies. his favorite being The 1958 version of Blob. other Hobbies of his were video games and playing dungeons and dragons. He specifically like being the dungeon master. According to him he said quote "There's just something fun about having people bend to you're will. I know people will call me a psychopath for it. but everyone has felt like that once in their life before"

Family life

James lead a what was considered to be strange family life. A lot of the interests James had were not shared with his parents. While his father and mother liked to play Monopoly and other games like that on Fridays with some family members. But James preferred to hang out with his friends and play dungeons and dragons. Which his parents question him on. Or while his father would spend long sessions reading books. Cornelius would spend hours playing NES and Atari games and Analyzing them and writing down notes about them. Things like What he likes about them and other details he thought were interesting

He had a decent relationship with his parents. They loved him but they still wondered about his what they though were weird. His brother constantly teased him. but in his heart he still loved him. In a brotherly way.

School life

James went to Panther elementary located in LA California. He at first despised the school. as he said during a interview in 2002 quote "Looking back in retrospect those years i spent at the elementary were strange. It felt weird going to school. the lost of freedom i felt was unlike any i have felt sense. It's almost like i had to put on a mask just to enter the building and it was only till after i left when i could take it off" he was known in the school as a shy and quirky kid. he got along with most student. but unlike the majority of the students. he never was interested in sports. He liked watching sports. Particularly soccer and basketball. But he always thought that doing them wasn't fun. Especially after one time during a soccer game. he got hit in the face with a soccer ball. Thankfully he only suffered a broken nose. it still made James less interested in doing sports.