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Hi! I'm a volcanologist who just wants to learn more about volcanoes and igneous landforms themselves and their geology, especially ones in the United States. I also specialize in Canadian volcanoes as well, especially since some are within the Cascade Volcanic Arc. And I do astronomy subjects, too!

Did you know?

  1. ... that many of the capes, heads, and ending points on the Oregon Coast are extinct volcanoes? (12 April 2023)
  2. ... that both Mount McLoughlin and Mount Shasta were both known as Mount Pitt back then? (12 April 2023)


Eagle Nebula This user is interested in astronomy.
This user is interested in Mount Nansen, a stratovolcano in Yukon.
This user is interested in Montana Mountain, a stratovolcano in Yukon.
This user is interested in Felsite Peak, a volcano in Yukon.
This user is interested in Ibex Mountain, a cinder cone in Yukon.
This user is interested in The Volcano, a cinder cone in British Columbia.
This user is interested in Tseax Cone, a cinder cone in British Columbia.
This user is interested in Herðubreið, a tuya and composite volcano in Iceland.