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User:TheGreatestWikiEditorEver/Stuff I like

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Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen to Stuff I Like. On this page I will just list stuff, and put mini reviews.









2D Platformers

My rating - My rating -

Super Mario is an essential video game fro any collector to have, though, I emulate, as it is quite before my time. It is so wacky, so creative, so innovative, nothing gets close (for the time) to the levels of creativity in this game. It is fairly hard, and as I suck at 2D Platformers, taht knocks of a star, but to add to the brilliant gameplay, and the 8 bit graphics, the music is great to, even if there is less than 5 songs.

My rating -

I have yet to play the full game, or even buy it, but god damn, is the "demo" annoying. I said Super Mario Bros was diffficult, well this is 10 times harder, and on my first attempt, it took me 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete. Yet, despite this, I enjoy the game, the dash is a really creative and interesting mechanic, and it is still fun to complpete.

3D Platformers

Sports Games



My rating -

This, in my opinion, is the best Mario Tennis ever. Unlike the Mario Tennis games before it (Excluding Mario Tennis GBC) it has an RPG mode. I also think that this games RPG mode is still the best Mario Tennis RPG mode ever, and the gameplay and graphics are far better than the games predecessor Mario Tennis GBC. The only flaw in the story mode is that it's far to short.



Point and Click

My rating -