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[pƏmp-tiz-uh m]


1. Often, outskirts. the outlying district or region, as of a city,metropolitan area, or the like:

to live on the outskirts of town; a sparsely populated outskirt.

Who Invented the Word


This word was created by the Youtube Channel JustDestiny and/or Trigger Tro. The first time the word Pumptism appeared was on JustDestiny but has also been spotted on Trigger Tro's channel. Both channels use this word religiously.

More Info


The words origin comes from the famous rapper Lil Pump. After numerous savage moments that people and children have committed the creators had to find a word to diagnose these people with. So they took inspiration from Lil Pump and his savage moments screaming ESKETIT they created the word we all know and love today, Pumptism. But you may think that Pumptism is a fun a play full word to just through around wit your friends you are sadly mistaken. Pumptism is a serious life threatening disease. The equivalent to Pumptism is cancer... but much worse. There is only one cure to Pumptism. So please you could save a child today from Pumptism by donating just 1 dollar a day to this GoFundMe to help in research of what we can do to cure this god awful disease.