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User:The Amazing Matt/Archived Pages for Modification

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is the archived version of pages I might work on (14 October 2019).

Pages I may work on in the future[edit]

Symbol Definition
S Sections need attention or needs broken into sections
/R There are not enough properly cited references
/C Has no real content (simply includes a brief description) (has great potential for addition)
/W Requires an entire rewrite
/E Has a good start, but would greatly benefit from expansion
/K Is a mostly good article, but misses some major sections
/L Is missing important lists (usually applies to families, genera, etc.)
H! Rated as high-importance by its WikiProject
M! Rated as mid-importance by its WikiProject
L! Rated as low-importance by its WikiProject
Na! Found often in North America (it is most likely easy to find literature on the subject)
[*] I created this page
[1] (For now) the scientific literature has been exhausted on this subject
[2] (For now) scientific literature is available, but not in English

From my stomping grounds[edit]

Time to sit down in my local library and start typing away...



Martian Geology and Seismology[edit]


Ivory Coast[edit]



Entire genera to work on

Pointed to by WikiProject Fishes





Pages to create[edit]

Misc Fish[edit]

Genus Trachinotus[edit]

Pages I like because they have a good framework[edit]