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User:The Pathologist

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This user is a physician.
This user is a pathologist.

This user has a Doctor of Philosophy degree.
PhDThis user has a statistically significant probability of being Piled Higher and Deeper!
pt-NThis user is a native speaker of Portuguese
enThis user can read and write English.
jpThis user can read and write Japanese. この利用者は日本語を使えます。

Something about me


Well, how do I start it.. I am an arguably shy, most times quiet Brazilian doc, specialized in surgical pathology and diagnostic pathology of cancer.

What else? I graduated med school in 2006, and worked as a clinician in the ER while taking 3 years of medical residency in my specialty.

During that time I taught myself Japanese language, which helped me get my PhD in endocrine pathology and pathology of cancer in Japan in 2014.

My native language is Portuguese. I have studied English since 1995, but still make a mistake or another here and there. I can speak and read Japanese fluently, and can write it reasonably using a computer or a smartphone, but my handwriting is no more than sufferable. I can understand Spanish, if one is kind to speak slowly and uses easy words, and I can read it 80% of the time, but can't really speak it. I can also read French and Italian with about 70% accuracy, but that's as far as it goes.

Not much else to add right now.. but might update something else eventually.