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User:The Rt Hon Lord Steven Lloyd-Bagrationi

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The English highborn aristocrat and a peer of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – The Rt Hon Lord Stephen Henry Lloyd was born on 22 October 1939 in London, England, during the intensive Blitz in 1939-40s. He was the only child in the family. The parents: his father – an English peer – The Rt Hon Lord Henry James Lloyd and his mother, also an English Peeress – Maria Rosemary Hanover-Lloyd were the English Lords of a noble family. Maria Rosemary Hanover-Lloyd was the direct descendant of Queen Victoria of Hanover.

Stephen was considered to be an excellent student. He was very good at History and Literature and was fond of foreign languages, especially Russian. After gaining higher education, the young scholar and Doctor The Rt Hon Lord Stephen Henry Lloyd was in Russia in the 1960s and gave lectures in English language and literature at Mikhail Lomonosov Moscow State University.

That was the time of the very Soviet Russian Regime, where his first love story began, and where by chance he met a Georgian highborn girl from the Georgian Royal family of Bagrationi – Her Royal Highness Kate Erekle Bagrationi, and decided to make her a proposal of marriage.

The family of Bagrationi is one of the oldest Royal dynasties in the world. The name originates from Bagrat – the head of the Royal House of Bivritiani. Bagrat is traditionally believed to descend from the biblical King David. Georgia is considered to be the home country of The Virgin Mother. She went with the apostolic sermons spreading the doctrine of Christ in new lands. Therefore, the Mother of God chose Georgia and became the Patroness. So it was a woman who made Georgia a Christian country and this fact became the very reason for the accession to the throne of Queen Tamar Bagrationi. At the age of 12 Queen Tamar became the first female Monarch of the United Kingdom of Georgia.

Her Royal Highness Kate Erekle Bagrationi was born on 8th March 1945 in the South Part of Georgia in Leningori region. Her father HRH Erekle Mukhran Bagrationi was from the North Caucasus, but her mother Elene Kartvelishvili was from South Ossetia. Erekle Bagrationi’s father His Royal Highness Mukhran Bagrat Bagrationi was a highborn member of the Georgian Royal Family of Bagrationi and the mother HRH Ann Chavchavadze belonged to the Georgian nobility who lived in Daghestan. Elene Kartevlishvili’s parents – George Kartvelishvili and Tamar Khetagurova-Kartvelishvili were from the Lenigori region of South Ossetia.

In the early 60s for her further education Kate Bagrationi travelled to Moscow and graduated from a Medical University with Honours, and here she met the English highborn aristocrat and a peer of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, a young professor, doctor – The Rt Hon Lord Stephen Henry Lloyd. 
It is also worth remembering that it was strictly forbidden and dangerous to have a relationship with foreigners and entering into a marriage contract with a Georgian woman during the Russian Soviet era, especially a foreigner from an English-speaking country was particularly dangerous. Apart from that, Stephen suffered no less resistance from his own parents. They did not want a Georgian daughter-in-law and Kate was called a Russian “war” and “vodka” lover and they were strictly against the marriage.  
Kate returned to Georgia with Stephen from Moscow and in spite of all resistance and the animosity from the Russian Authorities, the British-Georgian love affair had won and The Rt Hon Lord Stephen Henry Lloyd and HRH Kate Erekle Bagrationi secretly entered into a marriage contract on 27 April 1965 in South Ossetia.  
However, not only Stephen’s parents but the whole country of Great Britain thought that Georgia was Soviet Russia and anyone living there was Russian, “war” and “vodka” lovers. 
The young British-Georgian couple’s love affair was just as difficult as that of Shota and Tamar whose family objected because Shota was from gentry not royalty.  
The English peer, Doctor, The Rt Hon Lord Stephen Henry Lloyd settled in Georgia and worked at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.  He gave English lectures and seminars to Georgian teachers and professors and did a great service in developing the teaching and training of the English language at Tbilisi State University. His magnificent contribution is unforgettable even to this day in the history of the First Georgian University of Tbilisi. There were some articles published in the newspaper of Tbilisi State University under the headlines: “TSU will never forget the great English peer, professor’s name The Rt Hon Lord Stephen Henry Lloyd” and “The English scientist who worked in Georgia”. 
The working life and the greatest service of the English highborn peer – The Rt Hon Lord Stephen Henry Lloyd at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University was brought about by his marriage to the Georgian aristocratic majestic beauty of a highborn member of the Georgian Royal Family of Bagrationi – Her Royal Highness Kate Erekle Bagrationi.  
It was the very same period in Georgia when their children, the English siblings Kate and Steven Lord Lloyd were born, and the daughter was called after her mother Kate but the son was named after his father Stephen, but spelt Steven. The father and his son were addressed in the following way: Stephen Lord senior and Steven Lord junior.  

Apparently, the parents of little Steven and Kate’s noble and royal origins was unacceptable for the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia of that time, and for its part thought the British-Georgian Royal family could cause certain danger for the Soviet Communist administration and the State system.   

All that was quite enough reason for the Soviet Government to take revenge on the family and consequently they did so, and delivered an execution accordingly.

Regrettably, the English highborn peer – The Rt Hon Lord Stephen Henry Lloyd did not last long in Georgia as the Soviet KGB ordered that he should be killed in a car accident.

The young English professor Lord Stephen had very close relationship with many Georgian professors, teachers and VIP dignitaries in Georgia and Russia and had great prestige with the Georgian teachers and professors as well as among his friends at Tbilisi State University.

Moreover, the Georgian media commemorates and recounts the life histories and family stories of The English highborn aristocrat and a peer of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – The Rt Hon Lord Stephen Henry Lloyd and his wife – the Georgian highborn aristocrat from the Georgian Royal Family of Bagrationi – Her Royal Highness Kate Erekle Bagrationi and pays a great respect and great honour to their eternal and everlasting remembrance.

At the end of 2014, a momentous event was held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of The English highborn aristocrat and a peer of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – The Rt Hon Lord Stephen Henry Lloyd and it was also dedicated to his wife the Georgian highborn aristocrat from the Georgian Royal Family of Bagrationi – Her Royal Highness Kate Erekle Bagrationi, in the main conference hall of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.

The opening speech of the ceremony was given by the vice rector Mr Irakli Murtskhvaladze and some other public figures about the couple from two divine countries Britain and Georgia.

The ceremony was led by a famous singer Mrs Nazi Sarjveladze and an artistic recitation was given by Ms Irina Shiukashvili. The ceremony was also attended by poets, musicians, writers, singers, honourable nobles of all Georgia, and a representative of the Georgian Royal Family – HRH Tamar Bagration-Mukhraneli with Georgian folk songs and dances under the leadership of Ms Nona Jandagashvili.

Steven junior surprised everybody with his folk song in honour of his parents and a poem dedicated to his mother.

The British-Georgian English peer The Rt Hon Steven Lord Lloyd junior is a linguist, scholar, an author of several books and references, journalist, poet, translator, lawyer, senior researcher of Kartvelian studies and professor.  

The English siblings Kate and Steven Lord Lloyd have by the initiative of their British relatives and friends have decided not to lose their mother’s royal origin. They joined the father’s surname to the mother’s surname after obtaining an official document and are now using the joint surname in honour of the Royal Family of Bagrationi – Kate Lloyd-Bagrationi and The Rt Hon Steven Lord Lloyd-Bagrationi.

In 2008 a marathon dedicated to the poem of “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin” was held in Tamarasheni in South Ossetia where the young professor The Rt Hon Steven Lord Lloyd-Bagrationi had been exclusively invited.

He presented an artistic recitation of “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin” by Shota Rustaveli in the Ossetian language, delivered presents to the local community at his own expense and gave two bags of presents to the schoolchildren. One package contained refreshments and fizzy drinks but the other – all important and necessary stationery for school.

The Rt Hon Steven Lord Lloyd-Bagrationi graduated from several universities of philology, journalistic and law faculties. In honour of his English father and Georgian mother he also studied at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and obtained a diploma with honours. He is an author of books and works e.g. “English Grammar”, a nonfiction adventurous book “The Unlucky Sagittarius”, a collection of references “The Words of Ours”, a biographical book “The Chronicle – The British-Georgian Armour & Tbilisi State University”, made the translations of a selection of poems by Anna Kalandadze.

Steven wrote a special poem dedicated to his highborn mother “The Queen of the Flowers” and performed it at his parents’ 50th anniversary event at Tbilisi State University. He is also the first author and compiler of the first GeorgianJapanese and Japanese-Georgian dictionaries in the world. Here is a short poem dedicated to both his home countries by The Rt Hon Steven Lord Lloyd-Bagrationi: “My Mother Tbilisi, My Father London, There is no need for me to abandon, I love my home cities, they are my Parents, You are lovely, You are dear – my great assets!”

Due to his writing and active role compiling dictionaries Steven is called “Dr. Johnson” by his British friends and is described in the following way: “His request is an order, but his idea – undeniable truth”.(NB Dr Johnson was an English writer and lexicographer, who worked on dictionaries for his whole life).

Moreover, Tbilisi State University and Georgian society express their great love and regard towards the young English professor The Rt Hon Steven Lord Lloyd-Bagrationi. He receives a great number of letters of appreciation from different educational establishments, professors, teachers, students and from the British society of the highest ranks and titles.   

Nowadays, the English siblings Kate and Steven Lord Lloyd-Bagrationi are compared by the wider society and quite well known celebrities with the XIX century English siblings Oliver and Marjory Wardrop and express a great regard and love towards them.