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User:The Thursturain Chronicles

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A Group of Islands, The Thursturain Isles, are being taken over one by one...

Introduction to The Article


Vladimir, Thabia and the elves, the Raddak Colony and many others are "participants" in the new novel "The Tyrants Origin". Written by Will Leggatt, Sam Maryosh and James Manning. James, Will and Sam are from Kent and are pupils of Simon Langton Boys, you can find information about the Langton via this link: Simon Langton Boys, which is where the writing of the story is taking place.





Their progress is by far good, and, depending on the publishers sympathy, shall hopefully be expecting a novel by the end of the this year:currently, it is estimated, that they should succesfully complete the novel in a few weeks. This is a great sign, and, after proof reading, editing, and finalizing, they should be ready to publish!!!



They have been nagging various Authors to read the novel, one Author has been kind enough to read it, and we have recieved his reply. This auther is Simon Scarrow. He has written to us and told us that the story has a lot of potential, but we should try to plan it out more as it is a bit contradictory. Simon has come, and when he did, he gave us a lot of useful information. This is a great sign and, hopefully, the beginning of a great series of books.

Some of the teachers at Simon Langton Boys have also read a copy of the story. some of these teachers are: Mrs Brown, Mrs Walters, Mr Grey and everybody else. Our next target, up for reading our story so far, is Jasper Cooper, who is writing his series called: Kingdom of the Gems. he has recieved the Prologue and the First Chapter and should be expectring a reply soon, through our friend, Orpheas Alexopolous.

We would like to give a special thanks to all of our helpers, and hope that they enjoy the novel when released and also to Wikipedia for letting us make this page. Thank You.



The Tyrants Origin (book 1) Chapter 1: The Tide Comes In

Across the great ocean they came, a dark fleet of ships battling against a ferocious storm. The enormous waves hurled themselves against the bows of the ship, but the strong wood held firm. The black sails on the mast were continually whipping, like they were some raving beast. There were ten of the great vessels, and more were to follow. Each was built the same, apart from the flagship. Inside the ships a great horde massed, a force for conquering the world when it wanted, without mercy. The creatures inside growled in happiness of new lands and fresh blood. The sails were as black as a New Moon and the spearhead at the stern was stained red as blood. Above the red wood of the main spear, was draped an enormous skeleton. The spine was above the stern, resting on the spearhead. At the tip, was a gigantic skull, the size of a man. It had two rows of teeth in an upper and lower jaw. There were three gaps in the skull- air holes, where the eyes, flesh and brain had rotted throughout the years. A faint clink of armour and weapons was heard above the crashing of the waves. The creatures were the things of nightmares, their claws and fangs as sharp as knives, especially their sickle curved claw, more than capable of tearing through flesh and bone. They were shadow raptors, as tall as any man was. The shadow raptors were an undefeated army, who hunted and killed viciously for pleasure. Their foul features leered at you, their lust for blood evident in their fearsome expressions. Everything about them was sharp and pointed. They had been created for but one purpose- to kill. Unnatural strength, speed and intelligence all helped these creatures to do their job well. Exceedingly well. Their slim lithe bodies and natural instinct to hunt, made them perhaps the most powerful and lethal army in the world. The soldiers were armed with long swords shields, bows and scythes, all in all a deadly array of weaponry. The captains had extra weapons, such as dagger assortments and spiked armour. Every soldier had a spiked helmet, the trademark of Hayleth, their commander. Captains also had spiked tail armour, which they could swing with deadly effect. Much of the army was divided into legions, each over ten thousand raptors strong. There was no way they could fail in their task. For this time the army was marshalling for a reason. Coming to this island was not for ravaging, but to capture one of the most powerful artefacts in the world. Of course there would be pillaging and plundering for good measure...

The story is under construction, this is only the first page. Please DO NOT COPY!



Usterethia is under threat by an evil force under the control of Hayleth, Supreme Ruler of all things Evil! The island and its inhabitants are under threat from this evil, and must stop it from taking over. Vladimir and co. are on the pest extermination team and are seeking allies in the form of the Raddaks, the elves and...others... Read the book (when it is out) to find out if Vladimir and friends can hope to defeat the powerful army who has disturbed their relatively easy life.



Librarius Elitis These three are the highest ranking people of Usterethia: Legil of fire, Sayam of earth and Jagin of electicity.

The Circle of Kaan a group of withches, with a deep hatred for the Librarius Elitis...why?...

Raptors a new race, created by Heyleth, they are a type of lizard, bloodthirsty and unstopable.

Zadiorak the most powerful dark lord known, impisoned, he has seant his best men to free him.