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User:Thozhiyur/sandbox/Free Church of England

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A. Delete entire paragraph below (alternative text to be inserted below):

Delete: In 2003 ten Congregations split from the main Church, though three have returned and formed the Evangelical Connexion of the Free Church of England. In 2020 eight Churches that were part of the main body of the Free Church of England operate independently. They reject the rule of the current Primus John Fenwick and are organised under their own co-ordinator, the Rev Grahame Wray of Leeds. The Connexion holds to the character and government of the FCE (episcopal, liturgical, and Evangelical) and its understanding of the founding principles of being Anglican, Calvinist, Reformed, Evangelical, and Presbyterian. Reunification with the main body of the FCE is only likely to take place after the retirement of the current FCE Primus, due to members of the Connexion believing that he has imposed on the Church a different model of leadership. B. Add sentence: The united church enjoyed modest growth in the first part of the 20th century, having at one point 90 congregations, but after the Second World War, like most other denominations in the UK, suffered a decline in numbers. Some congregations closed, a number left the denomination, while others joined. Four congregations that left in 2003 designate themselves the ‘Evangelical Connexion’. Two congregations left in 2020-21, while two others joined.

C. Delete words relating to South America: Currently, the Free Church of England has two dioceses in England (designated North and South). Delete: and one in South America, comprising congregations in Brazil and Venezuela. There are twenty churches in England, divided between the two dioceses. The bishop of the Northern Diocese is John Fenwick, while the bishop of the Southern Diocese is Paul Hunt. The twenty UK churches are located as follows: See attached tables for necessary updates.

D. Delete these two paragraphs: Christ Church in Crowborough, East Sussex was founded in 1879 and remained in use by the Free Church of England until the early 21st century. It is now an independent Evangelical church.[10] Emmanuel Anglican Church, Tunbridge Wells, was founded in 2016 and joined the FCE in 2019. Its minister, Peter Sanlon, had previously been a Church of England minister. In May 2021 the church announced it was withdrawing from the FCE following concerns about governance in the FCE and the conduct of Bishop John Fenwick.[11] The same decision was taken by Christ Church, Exmouth (founded 1896; minister Josep Rosello).

E. Delete entire sectin:

South American Diocese The work in South America, comprising 25 congregations, was recognised as an Overseas Diocese by the Convocation held in June 2018. The 16 Brazilian congregations are registered as the Anglican Reformed Church of Brazil (Portuguese: Igreja Anglicana Reformada do Brasil; IARB),[13] with the other 9 located in Venezuela. The Bishop of the Diocese is the Right Revd. Josep Rossello; Bishop Rossello is married with one daughter. In 2020 he will cease to be Bishop of the Diocese. In preparation for this he now lives in Exmouth. • Brazil: o Anglican Mission of Manaus, Manaus, Amazonas o Anglican Church of Bragança Paulista, Bragança Paulista, São Paulo o Renovo Anglican Church, Pindamonhangaba, São Paulo o Good Samaritan Anglican Mission, Recanto das Emas, Federal District o Holy Trinity Anglican Church, São Paulo, São Paulo o Re.Novo Anglican Mission, São José dos Campos, São Paulo o Restoration Anglican Church, Ceilândia, Federal District o Reformed Anglican Community in Salvador (Salvador/Bahia) On May 5, 2021, the South American Diocese withdrew from the FCE, citing a 'total loss of confidence in the leadership of the FCE' and 'abuses of power committed by Bishop John Fenwick.'[14] Insert: In 2011 an approach was received from a work of Anglican identity in Brazil, led by Josep Rossello of the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches (CEEC). The congregations were received into the FCE and Rossello consecrated bishop in 2014. The congregations were elevated to the status of an Overseas Diocese in 2019. That same year Rossello moved to the UK. He resigned from the FCE in 2021 and Convocation withdrew its recognition of the South American Diocese.

F. Amend text as indicated Anglican realignment The FCE has been involved in the realignments within the Anglican Communion. In 2009 the Church was represented at the launch of the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (UK & Ireland), the local expression of the GAFCON movement inaugurated the previous year in Jerusalem.[citation needed] In October 2013, the Bishop Primus John Fenwick attended the second Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON 2) in Nairobi. In June 2018 a delegation of seven FCE members (including two bishops) attended GAFCON III, in Jerusalem. In February 2016, Foley Beach, Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America, signed an instrument declaring the Anglican Church in North America to be in full communion with the Free Church of England, and recognising 'their congregations, clergy, and sacraments, while pledging to work together for the proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ and the making of his disciples throughout the world'. Archbishop Beach's declaration was ratified by the Provincial Council of the ACNA in June 2016. In June 2017 Archbishop Beach attended the annual Convocation of the Free Church of England and a special service to mark the 90th anniversary of the union of the original Free Church of England with the UK branch of the Reformed Episcopal Church. Also in 2017 the Free Church of England hosted three 'Anglican Unity Fora' in an attempt to bring together orthodox Anglicans in a common witness in the UK. That has now been superseded by GAFCON GB and Europe (GAFCON GBE) of which the FCE is a member, together with the Reformed Episcopal dioceses in Germany and Croatia. The FCE bishops are members of the GAFCON GBE Bishops’ Forum and the denomination sends two members to the Representative Council. [citation: https://gafcongbe.org/]Thozhiyur (talk) 09:51, 24 September 2021 (UTC)

