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Cornelius Fred Moore

C. Fred Moore Jr., a nuclear experimentalist, joined the department as assistant professor, coming from FSU, where he received his PhD.

His early research work involved the discovery of isobaric analog states in heavy nuclei. This work was cited by the National Academy of Sciences in “Physics in Perspective” as one of the most important nuclear physics discoveries of the decade. The year he came to Texas, he was made a fellow of the American Physical Society. In 1968, he spent a year at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg. Over the next ten years, the Center for Nuclear Studies at Texas flourished. Most of the early research at the Center for Nuclear Studies was based on isobaric analog states. In 1970 he pioneered the study of x-ray and Auger electron transitions from highly ionized atoms. These experiments were followed up in laboratories all over the world. In 1974, he began a study of pion-nucleus interactions based on experiments carried out at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Several of the pion charge exchange reactions involved double isobaric analog states and double giant resonances (at excitation energies over 30 MeV). In 1988, Gerald Hoffmann and he became involved with the development of the STAR program at Brookhaven National Laboratory. In 1991, he initiated a computerized homework and testing program. This was one of the earlier implementation of computer use to augment classroom teaching. Other universities, such as Michigan State, North Carolina State, Massachusetts, Illinois, etc., later developed similar capabilities. The Homework Service program, now called Quest, is used throughout the world and processes a million responses to homework problems per week. Since then computerized teaching and testing has become a world-wide industry.




Professor, Physics Department, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712

Specialty: Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics and Chemistry Meson Physics and Chemistry Nuclear Physics and Chemistry Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry Education: B. S. in physics, 1959, University of Notre Dame M. S. in physics, 1961, University of Louisville Ph. D., 1964, Florida State University