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User:Tintero21/Imperial index

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  • § = regent or co-regent
  • ∞ = empress consort
  • + = junior co-emperor
  • — = usurper or rebel
  • * = Disputed legitimacy

1st–2nd century[edit]


  1. Augustus (27 BC – AD 14)
  2. Tiberius I (14–37)
  3. Caligula (37–41)
  4. Claudius I (41–54)
  5. Nero (54–68)
  6. Galba (68–69)
  7. Otho (69)
  8. Vitellius (69)


  1. Vespasian (69–79)
  2. Titus (79–81)
  3. Domitian (81–96)


  1. Nerva (96–98)
  2. Trajan (98–117)
  3. Hadrian (117–138)
  4. Antoninus (138–161)
  5. Marcus (161–180)
  6. Verus (161–169)
  7. Commodus (180–192)
  8. Pertinax (193)
  9. Julianus I (193)

3rd century[edit]


  1. Severus I (193–211)
  2. Caracalla (211–217)
  3. Geta (211)
  4. Macrinus (217–218)
  5. Elagabalus (218–222)
  6. Alexander I (218–222)

Crisis emperors[edit]

  1. Maximinus I (235–238)
  2. Gordian I (238)
  3. Gordian II (238)
  4. Pupienus (238)
  5. Balbinus (238)
  6. Gordian III (238–244)
  7. Philip (244–249)
  8. Decius (249–251)
  9. Gallus (251–253)
  10. Aemilian (253)
  11. Valerian (253–260)
  12. Gallienus (253–268)
  13. Claudius II (268–270)
  14. Quintillus (270)
  15. Aurelian (270–275)
  16. Tacitus (275–276)
  17. Probus (276–282)
  18. Carus (282–283)
  19. Numerian (283–284)
  20. Carinus (283–285), defeated by Diocletian (284–286)

4th century[edit]


  1. Diocletian (286–305) East
  2. Maximian (286–305) West
  3. Galerius (305–311) East
  4. Constantius I (305–306), West
  5. Severus II (306–307) West
  6. Maxentius (306–312) West*
  7. Maximinus II (311–313) East
  8. Licinius (308–324) East
  9. Valens I (317) West
  10. Martinian (324) West


  1. Constantine I (306–337)
  2. Constantine II (337–340 W
  3. Constans I (337–350) W
  4. Constantius II (337–361)
  5. Magnentius (350–353) W*
  6. Nepotianus (350) W*
  7. Julianus II (361–363)
  8. Jovianus (363–364)


  1. Valentinian I (364–375) W
  2. Valens II (364–378) E
  3. Procopius (365–366) E*
  4. Gratian (375–383) W
  5. Theodosius I (379–395)
  6. Maximus I (383–388) W
  7. Valentinian II (388–392) W
  8. Eugenius (392–394) W

5th century[edit]

Eastern Theodosians[edit]

  1. Arcadius (395–408)
  2. Theodosius II (408–450)
  3. Marcian (450–457)

Western Theodosians[edit]

  1. Honorius (395–423)
  2. Constantine iii (407–411)
  3. Attalus (409–410)*
  4. Constantius III (421)
  5. Johannes (423–425)*
  6. Valentinian III (425–455)
  7. Maximus II (455)*
  8. Avitus (455–456)
  9. Majorian (457–461)
  10. Severus III (461–465)*
  11. Anthemius (467–472)
  12. Olybrius (472)*
  13. Glycerius (473–474)*
  14. Nepos (474–475)
  15. Romulus (475–476)*


  1. Leo I (457–474)
  2. Leo II (474)
  3. Zeno (474–491)
  4. Basiliscus (475–476)*
  5. Anastasius I (491–518)

6th–8th century[edit]


  1. Justin I (518–527)
  2. Justinian I (527–565)
  3. Justin II (565–574)
  4. Tiberius II (574–582)
  5. Mauricius (582–602)
  6. Phocas (602–610)


  1. Heraclius (610–641)
  2. Constantine III (641)
  3. Heraclonas (641)
    • § Martina
  4. Constans II (641–668)
  5. Constantine IV (668–681)
  6. Justinian II (681–695, 705–711)
  7. Leontius (695–698)
  8. Tiberius III (698–705)
  9. Philippicus (711–713)
  10. Anastasius II (713–715)
  11. Theodosius III (715–717)


  1. Leo III (717–741)
  2. Constantine V (741–775)
  3. Artabasdos (741–775)*
  4. Leo IV (775–780)
  5. Constantine VI (780–797)
  6. Irene (797–802)

9th–11th century[edit]


  1. Nikephoros I (802–811)
  2. Staurakios (811)
  3. Michael I (811–813)
  4. Leo V (813–820)


  1. Michael II (820–829)
  2. Theophilos (829–842)
  3. Michael III (842–867)


  1. Basil I (867–886)
  2. Leo VI (886–912)
  3. Alexander II (912–913)
  4. Constantine VII (913–920, 945–959)
  5. Romanos I (920–944)
  6. Romanos II (959–963)
  7. Nikephoros II (963–969)
  8. John I (969–976)
  9. Basil II (976–1025)
  10. Constantine VIII (1025–1028)
  11. Zoe (1028–1050)
  12. Romanos III (1028–1034)
  13. Michael IV (1034–1041)
  14. Michael V (1041–1042)
  15. Theodora III (1042, 1055–1056)
  16. Constantine IX (1042–1055)
  17. Michael VI (1056–1057)
  18. Isaac I (1057–1059)


  1. Constantine X (1059–1067)
  2. Romanos IV (1068–1071)
  3. Michael VII (1071–1078)
  4. Nikephoros III (1078–1081)

12th–13th century[edit]


  1. Alexios I (1081–1118)
  2. John II (1118–1143)
  3. Manuel I (1143–1180)
  4. Alexios II (1180–1183)
    • § Maria VI
  5. Andronikos I (1183–1185)


  1. Isaac II (1185–1195)
  2. Alexios III (1195–1203)
  3. Alexios IV (1203–1204)
  4. Alexios V (1204)

13th–15th century[edit]

Laskaris (Nicaea)[edit]

  1. Theodore I (1205–1221)
  2. John III (1221–1254)
  3. Theodore II (1254–1258)
  4. John IV (1258–1261)

Palaiologos (Constantinople)[edit]

  1. Michael VIII (1261–1282)
  2. Andronikos II (1282–1328)
  3. Andronikos III (1328–1341)
  4. John V (1341–1347, 1354–1376, 1379–1390, 1390–91)
  5. John VI (1347–1354)
  6. Andronikos IV (1376–1379)*
  7. John VII (1390, 1403–1408)*
  8. Manuel II (1391–1425)
  9. John VIII (1425–1448)
  10. Constantine XI (1449–1453)

Grand Komnenos (Trebizond)[edit]

  1. Alexios I (1204–1222)
  2. Andronikos I (1222–1235)
  3. John I (1235–1238)
  4. Manuel I (1238–1263)
  5. Andronikos II (1263–1266)
  6. George (1266–1280)
  7. John II (1280–1297, vassal since 1282)
  8. Theodora (1297–1298)
  9. Alexios II (1298–1330)
  10. Andronikos III (1330–1332)
  11. Manuel II (1332)
  12. Andronikos III (1330–1332)
  13. Basil (1332–1340)
  14. Irene (1340–1341)
  15. Anna (1341–1342)
  16. John III (1342–1344)
  17. Michael (1344–1349)
  18. Alexios III (1349–1390)
  19. Manuel III (1390–1417)
  20. Alexios IV (1417–1429)
  21. John IV (1429–1460)
  22. Alexios V (1460) (?
  23. David (1460–1461)

Komnenos Doukas (Thessalonica)[edit]

  1. Theodore (1224–1230)
  2. Manuel (1230–1237)
  3. John (1237–1242)

Komnenos Doukas (Thessaly)[edit]

  1. John I, sebastokrator under Michael VIII
  2. Constantine (1289–1303), sebastokrator
  3. Theodore (1289–1303), sebastokrator
  4. John II (1303–1318), sebastokrator