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User:Tiputini/campus summer UAB

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The summer school is part of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership ‘Diversity in the Cultures of Physics‘ between Freie Universität Berlin, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, Uppsala Universitet, The University of Manchester, and the University of Sheffield.[1]

This workshop is organized by Wikimujeres User Group, Viquidones UPF and Art+Feminisme Barcelona.



What is Wikipedia?


Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation.

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  • Wikipedian specialized in women and science: Keliana

Some stats and numbers

  1. Comparison of pageviews across multiple pages
  2. Top 100 most visited articles
  3. Real-time edition counter https://tools.wmflabs.org/wmcounter/

Gender Gap and Systemic Bias in Wikipedia

  • In Wikimedia projects, when we talk about “Gender Gap” in participation we are refering to the infra-representation of users who identified as women, genderfuid or gender non-conforming.
  • Gender gap in content has already been studied and evaluated mainly in English Wikipedia Data about Gender Gap in Wikidata http://tools.dicare.org/gaps/gender.php (gràfics verd̠-taronja)
  • The annual report of the WMF 2016 reports that only 13% of the total number of people who edit Wikipedia are women, a gender gap that leaves an inevitable footprint in Wikipedia's content. When biographies and concepts are edited and published by people who has little aware of the importance of the gender perspective to address the well reported gap in content and participation, those biographies and concepts keep reproducing biases that are not helping build the sum of all knowledge. In addition only 10% of wikipedia users identify as women
  • The Wikipedia project strives for a neutral point of view in its coverage of subjects, both in terms of the articles that are created and the content, perspective and sources within these articles. However, this goal is inhibited by systemic bias created by the shared social and cultural characteristics of most editors, and it results in an imbalanced coverage of subjects and perspectives on the encyclopedia (read more about Systemic Bias in Wikipedia)


  • The Wikimedia Foundation executive director Sue Gardner cited nine reasons why women don't edit Wikipedia, culled from comments by female Wikipedia editors:
    1. A lack of user-friendliness in the editing interface
    2. Not having enough free time
    3. A lack of self-confidence
    4. Aversion to conflict and an unwillingness to participate in lengthy edit wars
    5. Belief that their contributions are too likely to be reverted or deleted
    6. Some find its overall atmosphere misogynistic
    7. Wikipedia culture is sexual in ways they find off-putting
    8. Being addressed as male is off-putting to women whose primary language has grammatical gender
    9. Fewer opportunities than other sites for social relationships and a welcoming tone
  1. Gender is highly culturally contextualized and can only be understood through a person’s cultural context
  2. The wikimedia community is not as inclusive as it could be, although issues of inclusion and gender fluidity are complex
  3. Implicit biases “permeates everything” and create a false sense of neutrality
  4. It is important to acknowledge various degrees of participation and to not not creating a hierarchy
  5. It is important narrating own stories through women’s voices and countering bias

Stephenson-Goodknight presented the first research findings in the Wikipedia Diversity Conference 2017, along with different participant contributions from where the themes that she were presenting emerged. One of the participants argued that “There is no such thing as voiceless, you are just denied hearing [our voices], [their voices], amplifying them”.

What are we doing to address the gender gap in participation and content?

  1. Exemple The Art & Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon
  2. Weekly monitoring of the increase in women's biographies  (WH-GI)
  3. Gender Gap by occupation
  4. Why I write about women on Wikipedia
  5. Kit Art+Feminism: Quick guides, short instructional videos and slide decks to get you started contributing to Wikipedia. Learn about the gender gap, best practices for editing, and more.

Let's get hands on


Suggested actvities


Women scientitst / Kvinnor inom vetenskapen

  1. Wikipedia:WikiProject Women scientists / Wikipedia:Projekt kvinnor/Kvinnor inom vetenskapen
WP-EN Birth Death Field WP-CA WP-SV Contributions
Tatyana Afanasyeva 1876 1964 Physics checkY NO statistical mechanics and statistical thermodynamics
Elizabeth Alexander 1908 1958 Geology Physics NO NO Radioastronomy
Betsy Johnson 1929 Physics NO


NO Plasmas in solids
Maria Angela Ardinghelli 1730 1825 Physics, Mathematics, Translator improve checkY
Milla Baldo-Ceonlin 1924 2011 Física de partícules NO NO
Ida Barney 1886 1982 Astronomy ilvias NO
Laura Bassi 1711 1778 Física checkY checkY First professor an European university
Amanda Bauer 1979 Astronomy Agnès NO
Jocelyn Bell Burnell 1943 Astrofísica checkY checkY Descrobriment púlsars
Mary Adela Blagg 1858 1944 Astronomy checkY checkY
Marietta Blau 1894 1970 Nuclear physics checkY NO Used nuclear emulsions to detect neutrons
Lili Bleeker 1897 1985 Optics alba NO designs and manufacturing of optical devices
Erika Böhm-Vitense 1923 2017 Astrophysics improve NO Known for Cepheid variables and convection in stellar atm.
Sophia Brahe 1556 1643 horticulturalist, astronomy, medicine improve NO Assisted her brother, Tycho Brahe
Harriet Brooks 1876 1933 Nuclear physics aina checkY Research on nuclear transmutations
Elizabeth Brown 1830 1899 Astronomy marta NO Es va especialitzar en observacions del sol
Yevgenia Bugoslavskaya 1899 1960 Astronomy nika NO
Margaret Burbidge 1919 Astrophysics improve checkY
Katharine Burr Blodgett 1898 1979 Physics Chemistry checkY checkY Known for her work on surface chemistry
Sidney C. Wolff 1941 Astrophysics NO NO
Marcela Carena 1962 Theoretcal Physics NO NO
Mary Lucy Cartwright 1900 1998 Physics NO NO Forced nonlinear oscillators
Yvette Cauchois 1908 1999 Physics NO NO Contributions to x-ray spectroscopy and x-ray optics
Catherine Cesarsky 1943 Astronomy NO checkY
Anja Cetti Andersen 1965 Astronomia & Astrofísica NO checkY
Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat 1923 Maths and Physics checkY NO Maths to provide a basis for the classical field equations of physics
Katherine Clerk Maxwell 1824 1886 Physics NO checkY Observations which supported and contributed to the discoveries of her husband
Agnes Mary Clerke 1842 1907 Astronomy checkY checkY She was astronomer and writer
Fanny Cook Gates 1872 1933 Nuclear physics checkY NO Studied radioactivity
Joan Elizabeth Curran 1916 1999 Physics checkY NO Worked in Radar and Nuclear bomb
Sanja Damjanović 1972 Physics NO NO
Louise Dolan 1950 Mathematical Physics NO NO
Émilie du Châtelet 1706 1749 Mathematics-Physics-Natural philosopher improve checkY Translation Principia (Newton)
Jo Dunkley 1979 Astrophysics NO NO
Eva Ekeblad 1724 1786 Scientist improve checkY Swedish countess who was a salon hostess, agronomist and scientist
Debra Elmegreen 1952 Astronomy checkY NO 1st woman graduated in Princeton in astrophysics
Amalia Ercoli Finzi 1937 Astrophysics NO NO Va treballar amb la sonda Philae
Priscilla Fairfield Bok 1896 1975 Astronomy NO NO
Joan Feynman 1927 Astrophysics NO NO
Rosalind Franklin 1920 1958 Chemist, X-ray crystalographer improve checkY DNA structure
Helen Freedhoff 1940 2017 Physics NO NO Interaction of light with atoms
Wendy Freedman 1957 Astronomy checkY NO Measurement of Hubble constant
Charlotte Froese Fischer 1929 Mathematics and comuter sciences NO NO
Charlotta Frölich 1698 1770 Writer agronomist historian poet checkY checkY
Mary Katherine Gaillard 1939 Theoretcal Physics NO NO
María José García Borge 1956 Física Nuclear checkY NO
Fanny Gates 1872 1931 Physics NO NO Radioactive materials
Sophie Germain 1776 1831 Maths Physics Philosophy improve checkY
Naomi Ginsberg 1979 Physics and Chemistry NO NO
Ellen Gleditsch 1879 1968 Nuclear physics checkY checkY
Maria Goeppert Mayer 1906 1972 Theoretcal Physics checkY NO Estructura capes nuclears
Daphne Jacson Trust 1936 2001 Nuclear physics NO NO
Margherita Hack 1922 2013 Astrophysics checkY checkY
Jane Hamilton Hall 1915 1981 Physics NO NO Worked on the Manhattan Project
Margrete Heiberg Bose 1865 1952 Física NO NO
Grete Hermann 1901 1984 Maths Physics Philosophy NO checkY
Shirley Ann Jackson 1946 Physics improve checkY
Katherine Johnson 1918 Maths checkY checkY Calculations of orbital mechanics
Irène Joliot-Curie 1879 1956 Physics improve NO Estudis sobre radioactivitat
Lorella Jones 1943 1995 Physics NO NO
Christine Jones Forman Physics nuclear NO NO
Annie Jump Cannon 1863 1941 Astronomy improve checkY cataloged stars
Renata Kallosh 1943 Physics checkY NO Supergravity, String theory and Inflationary cosmology
Vassiliki Kalogera Astrophysics NO NO
Lisa Kaltenegger 1977 Astronomy NO checkY
Elizaveta Karamihailova 1897 1968 Nuclear physics NO NO Pioneer at the begining of the 20th century
Berta Karlik 1904 1990 Physics NO NO
Marcia Keith 1859 1950 Physics NO NO
Hedwig Kohn 1887 1964 Physics checkY NO
Pamela L. Gay 1973 Astronomy, Education NO NO
Inge Lehmann 1885 1993 Seismologist checkY checkY
Hilde Levi 1909 2003 Radioactivity NO NO Used radioactive isotopes in biology and medicine
Kathleen Lonsdale 1903 1971 Physics checkY NO Benzene ring is flat
Margaret Eliza Maltby 1860 1944 Physics NO NO
Mileva Maric 1875 1948 Physics Mathematics improve checkY
Nergis Mavalvala 1968 Physics checkY NO Important role in the 1st observation of gravitational waves
Lise Meitner 1878 1968 Nuclear physics improve checkY Estudis sobre radioactivitat i física nuclear
Andrea Mia Ghez 1965 Astronomy checkY NO
Ann Elizabeth Nelson 1958 Física NO NO
Emmy Noether 1882 1935 Mathematics-Physics checkY checkY Teorema de Noether
Princess Charlotte of Saxe-Meiningen 1751 1827 Astronomy checkY Ebba
Mazlan Othman 1951 Astrophysics NO NO
Hiranya Peiris Astrophysics NO NO
Agnes Pockels 1862 1935 Chemistry Physics checkY NO
Edith Quimby 1891 1982 Physics and Medical research checkY NO founder of nuclear medicine
Helen Quinn 1943 Particle Physics improve Nadia
Lisa Randall 1962 Theoretcal Physics improve checkY
Charlotte Riefenstahl 1899 1993 Physics NO NO
Vera Rubin 1928 Astronomia improve checkY 1a observar evidències matèria fosca
Gertrude Scharff Goldhaber 1911 1998 Nuclear physics improve NO Neutrons are emitted in spontaneous fission
Deborah Shiu-Ian Jin 1968 2016 Physics checkY NO
Eva Silverstein 1970 Theoretcal Physics, Cosmology NO NO
Marie Sklodowska-Curie 1867 1934 Nuclear physics checkY checkY Pionera en radioactivitat
Maria Spiropulu Experimental Physics NO checkY
Rosalynd Sussman Yalow 1921 2011 Medical Physics improve NO
Bertha Swirles 1903 1999 Quantum Theory NO NO
Valery Troitskaya 1917 2010 Geophysics NO NO
Anne Barbara Underhill 1920 2003 Physics NO NO
Hendrika Johanna van Leeuwen 1887 1974 Physics NO NO Early contributions to the theory of magnetism
Chien-Shiung Wu 1912 1997 Experimental Physics checkY checkY
Toshiko Yuasa 1909 1980 Nuclear physics NO Julia
Agloanice 2nd-1st BC Astronomy checkY checkY Greek astronomer

Other activities

  1. Wikiproject: Women in Red
  2. ǃ00 BBC
  3. List_of_women_writers
  4. Biographies of Exemplary Women
  5. Dinner Party (place setting)
  6. Dinner Party (floor)
  7. Women Hall of Fame
  8. Women's_Library

Women scientists anniversaries


If you want to know which woman scientist was born today, in this link click on the RUN button to generate an updated list (wait a few seconds



Writing biographies






Translatorː https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3btQ5fpn4sA

How to edit Wikipedia

The Wikipedia Adventura

Wikipedia:Writing about women


  1. ^ "Diversity in the Cultures of Physics Summer School Barcelona – Uppsala, 2018". Department of Physics UAB.