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User:Titodutta/Image request

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are looking for an image to use in the Wikipedia article on you. Can you help?

WELCOME! Thanks for visiting this page. In case I have asked you somewhere (Twitter, Facebook etc) to check this page, that means, we have an article on you in Wikipedia.

Now, the article we have created on you lacks an image. You can see few example articles which lack image:

And now, also see few articles where we have image

You'll clearly see what we are missing in the first two articles and the article on you.

What we need


SO, we need at least one free image of you which we can use in the Wikipedia article on you and we are requesting you to donate an image to Wikimedia Commons for that purpose.

How to continue this discussion


If you think you can give us an image or want more details or if you have some questions, write here or you can also send email to tito.wikipedia@gmail.com If you send an email, your email address will be kept strictly private and will not be shared with anyone else.

Frequently asked question

  • Question: Do you have any opinion? Do you want any particular image?
  • Answer" No, we don't have opinion or selection? You can give us "any image" in which you are captured. That's all. Just note two points a) you have to own its copyright b) we are most probably going to use it in the infobox of your article (it is similar to "profile picture"). So, choose an image which suits as visual identification purpose.

  • Question: Are you going to pay me for that image?
  • Answer: No, we can't pay you for the image. Note the point, that by donating an image you are not helping us, but, you are helping the article on you too in the world's best encyclopedia.

  • Question" Are you a Wikimedia Employee?
  • Answer: No, I am not. Wikipedia is edited by volunteers worldwide. See how Wikipedia works

  • Question" Is it official?
  • Answer: Absolutely. It's how Wikipedia works.

  • Question: Why didn't you contact me by phone/email?
  • Answer: Simple answer— we don't know your email id/phone number. (see the next point too)

  • Question: Can we continue the discussion over phone/email?
  • Question: Yes, we can talk in email (which I'll prefer too), but, not phone. Email id is given above.

  • Question: You have to talk to my secretary/spokesperson.
  • Answer: That's okay! Please ask them to continue the discussion.

  • Question: Does it include any legal contract?
  • Answer: No

Note these points


Log of requests

Person requested Date requested Platform Received reply? Image donated?
Arin Paul 1 January 2013 Facebook message Yes Yes
Swastika Mukherjee 8 May 2013 Twitter (see the tweet) Waiting N.A.
Parno Mittra 8 May 2013 Twitter (see the tweet)
Facebook (see wall post)
See the same tweet
Over all progress: Asked to contact by email. Did not email.
Then contacted in Facebook. Did not get any reply there too.!
Churni Ganguly 8 May 2013 Twitter (see the tweet No No
Chennai Math 10 May 2013 Email No No
Meghe Dhaka Tara Facebook page 18 May 2013 Facebook wall post No No
Rii Sen 24 June 2013 Facebook message Waiting N.A.
A few unlogged
spicmacay@iimb.ernet.in 15 August 2016 Yamini event performers' photograph Waiting N. A.

See also
