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Public domain This work was created by a governmental body (including state, county, and municipal government agencies) of the State of Texas and is subject to disclosure under the Public Information Act. It is a public record that was not created by an agency which state law has allowed to claim copyright and is therefore in the public domain in the United States.
Records subject to disclosure under the Public Information Act
Pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act (Government Code §552 et al.) "'...public information' means information that is written, produced, collected, assembled, or maintained under a law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business: (1) by a governmental body; (2) for a governmental body and the governmental body: (A) owns the information; (B) has a right of access to the information; or (C) spends or contributes public money for the purpose of writing, producing, collecting, assembling, or maintaining the information; or (3) by an individual officer or employee of a governmental body in the officer's or employee's official capacity and the information pertains to official business of the governmental body." (Texas Gov't. Code § 552.002.) "The Open Records Act mak[es] governmental records open unless they fall within one of t[he] particular exceptions available." (Open Records Decision No. 363 (1983)) Texas Government Code § 552(c) lists categories of documents that are excepted from disclosure under the Public Information Act.

TXGov Category:Primary license tags (flat list)