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OUSA IS NOT HERE der is dis boy in my skool an he stels my lunch from the bag evs day an com hom crying but my frend ousa who all the adult says imagenation noytic and says y u sad an i says y i ams sad so she says she dels with it so she gos somwere ans takes a whiles so i tinks she gon 5ever tehn he come coms baka like chewbaka and ;awhile lazer; teh next day da boi not arvie so i is happy den dis haps fora week and i ams luckies bus tehn cops com an search 4 him after a whike dey fins him an he is ded the adults says he in better place but i no he ded becs of carma an dat good

ToastIsAGhost (talk) 00:02, 2 November 2017 (UTC)