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Hello. My name is Tresapedario Drachmillicus Grahamunsky. I am 21. Currently recieving an educational repetoir of many things involving a growing academic mind. Learning French, sharpening my English, and of course, my major: Psychology! yay!!! not really. It's a lot harder than you'll think. Even if all your classes are paid for by an outside source; like the government, or your parents, Grants, Scolarships, etc. w/e I think that an education is really worth no amount of money, only a large amount of time. For one person, relationship or not, finding the time to sit down and relax after cramming your brain full of data, it can be physically draining. Social stature can decline from not contacting associates and aquaintances. Friends should always understand and might as well be at the same school you are at, otherwise a true friendship can become distant after so long. Well, anyway, I'm blabbering again... (what else is new) I have joined the Wikipedia Community to mostly edit mistakes that lead people, including myself 'sometimes', away from all the info inside of the WikiUniverse. Plus, people that can read, spell, and write will most commonly overlook a typo or misspelled word. Not me! It gets on my nerves when an educated individual inserts useful info on Wiki and doesn't make an attempt to Grammaticize her/his teachings. Not to say that, Professor so-and-so is an Idiot Sevant, but it would be much easier to learn from here (wiki) if there are less errors to be distracted with. Well thank you for your time if you read this. And, if you didn't read this then that's cool, too. I just hope that you keep coming back to Wikipedia for your daily fill of 'The Internet's Biggest Free Online Encyclopedia' "WIKIPEDIA"

{[_-=-Tresapedario-=-_]} (talk) 02:17, 13 February 2009 (UTC)