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User:Turoah wuor wal turoah

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                My Birth place
Name is Turoah Marco Wuor Wal I was born in the village called Kopuot in Rubkona county inside Unity state Bentiu from South Sudan in year 1995/16/August 
                  Study Time

but my county is Mayom, I study in school in 2007 in Moyam Town primary school and play football in that time I was thirteen years old, after to three years I learned in Cholgoah primary school but in 2010 I went to Bentiu to learn there I study also football. I beginning to learned in Good Hop primary school in South Bentiu, my important life is to learn and playing football. my term is Generation in Arabic called Enjiel from I am free to play even my country get her independent day July /9/2011 I am happy for Omar al-Bashir because he give us our nation from today we are going to enjoy world be we are independent, I study in early years in Bentiu,I started learning Education in school call Dhawah to Arabic since 2001 upto 2003.I learning Arabic language in Bentiu . this school today known as Girls Primary school. Because Bentiu have three primary schools and two Secondary schools. These school were teaching in Arabic before 2005 and as of 2011 is being taught, Arabic is a central semitic Language that was first spoken in Iron age Northwestern Arabic and is now the Lingua franca of the Arabic World. And then I went to Mayom county for Education since to 2004 I am still studying Arabic language, from 2005 to 2006 just learned Arabic language. In beginning of 2007 I study leaning English language at Mayom Town Primary School,I learned school at Mayom the end of 2007 in December 25

               My Problem

In 25 December I were bomb by bomb attack in school I am playing football with my colleagues inside our school Mayom Town from there I am busy just for playing with the ball, but the boy is coming from the Military camp then he have bomb.he study playing ball with us. We asked him what is this? He is not answering us. Then my friend keep going. He reply no I need to play with you guys. Some of my friends took it from him,they throw it at building there I was busy with my own work. Throw it up and down it falls in front of me and pick it up it has song and hot I afraid of it I think and asked myself what is this now it have song and hot in time I throw it away from there it started to eating us. At 7:00:00 in evening time to 2008 /1/1 I went to Bentiu for hospital to treatments, I spent week in Bentiu the tell my parents take this child to heglig for treatment

            I am South Sudanese

My country: Republic of South Sudan is my home land because I have a right to lead my country from now a Days

            My state:Unity state Bentiu

Bentiu is location in Rubkona county,North Liech,in Northern south sudan near the international border with the Republic of Sudan .This location lie approximately 654 kilometres (406MI) by road. Northwest of Juba

          My county:Moyam

Mayom county is in the northwest of Unity state. The largest towns is Mayom,other towns Tam, Mankien, Wangkei. Largest village including Rier, Thargana, Pibor, Ruathnyebuol,Cotjak,Tharkuer Nyigar,Buoth,Kuerbuona and kaikang Mayom lies in the block 4 Oil concessions to the South of the Kaikang Oil

              My payam:Wangkei

Wangkei is largest town in Mayom but is belong to Chiengparaang is named of clan, I am from Chiengparaang which mean Wangkei is my payam

My buma:Thargana

Thargana is my Buma it village along ago is lies between Wangkei and Rier

               My Clan

Is Bul Cholgoah the people of Mayom county they known as Bul but the best clan in is Bul follow by Lou

        My Tribe

I am Nuer the Naath rose as a separate people (from the Jieng) in early years in Bul area at the beginning of the 18th century under circumstances that continue to inform today each of other have own roles