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A young high schooler who wishes to learn, Uberkill160 joined Wikipedia so that he can better aid people like him in their search for knowledge. He fails to tolerate people who tamper with information, regardless of their intentions. He would like his first and last name to remain undisclosed. He actively plays video games, such as Dark Souls, Demon's Souls, the Half Life series, the Portal series, the Left 4 Dead series, and the Elder Scrolls series (These are all trademarks of their respective owners). He is also against certain educational methods, and believes the entire educational system may be in need of reform. He supports political protests such as the Occupy Wall street campaign, and believes that politics and finances have become intertwined, which is, in his opinion, a negative variable. He was torn between two interests, namely technology and mathematics, when he was prompted to select one while making his Wikipedia account, as he has taken an interest in both. His brother is interested in the types of ammunition for ballistic firearms and their practical applications, saying, "The only reason I would create my own Wikipedia account is to edit pages regarding certain firearms and specific ammunition and their specifications". Uberkill160 is an outcast in his family in regards to sports, following a traumatic, yet strictly non-violent experience where his father, a football fanatic, entered a fit of rage after his team lost (Which they do often, as they are the Cardinals{Burn}). He tries to do his best to aid his parents around the house, a sharp contrast to his brother who avoids all physical effort that does not involve shooting pests. To Uberkill160's dismay, his father periodically attempts to limit the amount of time he spends on electronics, despite him having no other activities to accomplish, considering his exemplary homework record, as well as his lack of interest in outdoor activities. Uberkill160 is an outcast socially as well, though, to put it bluntly, he cares about as much as Big Hat Logan(Dark Souls reference). He is disgusted by the "date game" played by his peers, where a couple hooks up and dissipates only to find another partner momentarily. He does his best to prevent himself from hating a person or a people, although he can do little to contain himself when concerning hypocrites. For example, rich politicians who urged people to protest, hoping they would do so against the president, publicly denounce the Occupy Wall Street protesters, infusing Uberkill160's soul with strife. He enjoys immersing himself in rich worlds created by authors such that created in Robert Jordan's and Brandon Sanderson's Wheel of Time series. Also, he enjoys playing games with rich stories told to the player masterfully, such as Team Ico's Shadow of the Colossus, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, the Half Life series, the Portal series, and Bioshock, though he has yet to play the sequel to the last. It is clear through his choice in games that he enjoys being placed in moral dilemmas(Demon's Souls/Dark Souls invade/assist dilemma, Bioshock's Harvest/Rescue dilemma.) though Shadow of the Colossus... Actually, it would be better this beauty of a story to remain unspoiled. To his dismay, his brother is a self-proclaimed totalitarian, and to "balance out the bad vibes", Uberkill160 has become an anarchist, though to a peculiar degree.