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Who is this user?


My name is Hannah and I am 18 years old. I was born in Kentucky and have not left. In the future, I plan to move to a bigger place so that it is easier to find a job. Most of my family live no further than 5 hours away so I do not want to move too far.I am very close to my family. I have a little sister and 9 cousins that I love spending time with. I am currently attending a university and majoring in Biology. I am fascinated with the medical field and figuring out diagnoses. I volunteered at a clinical lab at a hospital for many months and loved every second of it. I hope to become a clinical pathologist so that I can do what I love everyday. I hope to be able to travel a lot in the future. I have always wanted to be able to visit Australia. I love animals and considered being a veterinarian for a while. I own three horses and love them like family. I enjoy riding and competing in horse shows. I am very competitive when it comes to horse shows and almost any sport. Tennis is a sport a greatly enjoy. I played varsity tennis in high school and play as often as I can now even though I am not currently on a team. I love to swim. You can find me in a pool on most days during the summer. I am a big fan of college basketball and Cincinnati Reds baseball. I love to read a variety of different books. I hardly every watch a movie before I read the book. I like to be outside as much as possible, so I often read outside if it warm. I am usually always busy. I hardly ever have any free time.

Tech savvy?


As far as technology goes, I can navigate my way around most computer programs. I can operate Microsoft excel, powerpoint, word, and access. I, like most people these days, am very reliant on my cell phone. I am often checking Facebook, communacating with family and friends, and looking up information convieniently using my iPhone. If you look around, you will notice that almost everyone has a cell phone and most of those cell phones are iPhones. Many people debate on whether iPhones or androids are the better phone. Although I currently own an iPhone, my first phone was an android that I received when I was in the 7th grade and I loved it. As time as progressed, iPhones have become very popular, however I still prefer Android phones. Android phones are a lot less expensive in the long run. when you purchase an I phone you must also purchase a very expensive case because the phone is made entirely of glass. When it comes to PC vs Mac, I am a fan of the PC. I find it easier to use probably because i have more experience using it. I am nowhere near tech savvy enough to call myself a computer genius but goring up in a technology based world has made me very familiar with most technological devices.



In my opinion, Wikipedia is an overall very helpful sight for obtaining information. You can find almost any topic on Wikipedia, so it is a good place to begin research. It can help gather useful information used for further research,because there is so much information on one page. For instance, if you have no idea about a topic, Wikipedia can help you find key words or people related to the topic to help further your search. Also certain aspects of a topic have been easy to locate thanks to a table of contents. I also like that that there are links in the articles that will take you to another wikipedia page with more information on that topic. What I don't like about wikipedia, however is that anyone can create an account and start an article. This means that the information you obtain my not always be correct. I also dislike that this sight does not have much visual appeal.

This user thinks koalas are AWESOME!!!!
This user is horse crazy!
This user is interested in Pathology.
This user enjoys riding horses.
CancerThis user is a Cancer.
fan-2 This user will watch Supernatural at every opportunity.
CINThis user is a fan of the
Cincinnati Reds
This user plays tennis.
This user thinks that there are too many people who don’t know that they're worse than their own children at spelling!
...At any given moment, this user is likely to be bored, hungry, or sleepy.