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July 30, 2014, Siri made a "brain transplant."[edit]

That day three years ago, Apple became the first intelligent assistant system ported to own mainstream technology companies. In earlier days, Siri this in 2010 through the acquisition of products have been included in the bag in the form of standalone applications exist.

Just launch it, we are ecstatic to Siri, but as time goes by, users are increasingly becoming impatient with its shortcomings, because it is regularly misunderstood command, after fine-tuning the product has not seen improvement.

So, Apple in the July 30 made an important decision: to US users of Siri voice recognition to migrate to a “neural network” as the basis of the new system, then in August 15 extended to users around the world.

In the new system, “hidden Markov model” and a series of “old” technology is still in use, but more important is the introduction of machine learning techniques, including “deep neural network(DNN)“, “convolutional neural network” “short and long term memory unit,” “gated power supply (gated recurrent units)”, and “n-grams”.

After this upgrade, Siri although still looks the same, but received strong buff depth learning.

In order to prevent their competitors get inspired from Siri, Apple once again taken a highly confidential strategy. But most users can only appreciate Siri fewer and fewer mistakes. Secret until recently, Apple was openly talking about the effect of the time – to enhance the rate of accuracy is amazing.

Eddy Cue said:

This is very obvious that it was a special check the accuracy of the figures, so as not to accidentally missed a decimal point (raised at least one number).

Siri this “magnificent transfiguration“, but also to the industry of artificial intelligence, “surprise“, but not because of their accomplishments, more because Apple so low-key, but can accomplish this task so well. Even in the field of artificial intelligence Apple has recently stepped up efforts to recruit talent, but also done a number of high-profile acquisitions of start-up companies, most people will be regarded as the hot apple field laggards. Because while Apple’s highly confidential, so that the corresponding experts in artificial intelligence is not clear progress in their learning-related machinery. As the Stanford Artificial Intelligence History Course Instructor Jerry Kaplan said:

Apple does not appear in the artificial intelligence community, a bit like the field of artificial intelligence NSA (National Security Agency).