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User:Van Derek/Thinkons

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Thinkons the quantum thought particles, designed and calculated using dynamic paradigms (DPs) the creative elements of mathematics. The concept is published as “Thinkons, the ontology”, [1] Book 4 of The Astrologers and Enneagram Series, a companion philosophy to the novel “The Neptune Vortex” [2] by author Van Derek, AKA Derk Vanderbent. “With our thoughts, we travel to planet Uranus and back in milliseconds.” Vanderbent puts forward the idea that if science can calculate bosons, gluons and gravitons into existence, then it will only be a matter of time before there is an understanding of what he calls thinkons, quantum particles of thought that travel faster than light, brought into existence with the use of dynamic paradigms (DPs). He postulates that DPs unify Einstein’s theory of relativity with quantum theory. In his ontology, he suggests that science has missed this important aspect of quantum matter because DPs’ primary cause is creative rather than scientific. Even though DPs comply with scientific rules, their nature is born from creativity, the antithesis of scientific proof.


  1. ^ Thinkons, ISBN 978 0 9875028 2 7 E-pub, published by CIC Publishing, Hong Kong
  2. ^ The Neptune Vortex, ISBN 978 0 9875028 1 0 paperback,published by CIC Publishing, Hong Kong