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Animal stereotypes of Jews in Palestinian discourse


https://www.google.co.il/books/edition/Ten_Myths_About_the_Jews/IVyVEAAAQBAJ? animalization

https://www.google.co.il/books/edition/Demonizing_the_Other/G-19lB3dZ90C? nazis and arabs


Bruneau, Emile; Kteily, Nour (2017-07-26). "The enemy as animal: Symmetric dehumanization during asymmetric warfare". PLOS ONE. 12 (7)

Kressel, Neil J. (2012). The Sons of Pigs and Apes: Muslim Antisemitism and the Conspiracy of Silence. Potomac Books

Normand, Linn (2016). Demonization in International Politics: A Barrier to Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Springer

Black, Ian (2008-12-19). "Cartoon symbols of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict". The Guardian

Oliver, Anne Marie; Steinberg, Paul F. (2006). The Road to Martyrs' Square: A Journey into the World of the Suicide Bomber. Oxford University Press

הרט רחל, Rachel Hart (2014). "ביקורת פוליטית ואנטישמיות בקריקטורה הערבית: קריקטורות בעיתון פלסטין בשנת 1936, "המרד הערבי הגדול"" [Political criticism and anti-Semitism in Arab cartoons: cartoons in Falastin newspaper in 1936, "The Great Arab Revolt]. Kesher / קשר (in Hebrew) (46). Tel-Aviv University.

A lot of the secondary sources on which the article is based, especially those who make overview statements about the subject, use "Jews", "Israelis", "Israel" interchangeably. Therefore the article deals with "animal stereotypes" of both Jews and Israelis.

Here are some examples of these sources (the emphasis is mine):

Oliver, Anne Marie; Steinberg, Paul F. (2006). The Road to Martyrs' Square: A Journey into the World of the Suicide Bomber. Oxford University Press. pp. 101–102. During the Intifada, Israelis and Jews were commonly described in the media of nationalists and Islamists alike as animals—octopuses, dragons, monkeys, and so forth.

Gordon, Gregory (2018). "Freedom of Expression, Hate Speech, and Incitement to Terrorism and Genocide: Resonances and Tensions". In Bayefsky, A. F.; Blank, L.R. (eds.). Incitement to Terrorism. Brill. p. 20. The Palestinian Authority's outlets – and even children's shows and school curricula – have long called Jews snakes, monkeys, and pigs and called for the annihilation of Israel.

Black, Ian (2008-12-19). "Cartoon symbols of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict". The Guardian. repulsive, hook-nosed Jews are portrayed as snakes or vampires;

The terms "animal stereotypes" or "dehumanization" are used to describe dehumanization of Jews as individuals or as a Jewish collective, e.g. the Jewish state or specific Jewish organizations or communities, as long as this is related to their Jewishness.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]





connection to antisemitism


Not humans









https://books.google.co.il/books?id=P1rsDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT238 p. 272 (genocide?)

Exploring attitudes and anecdotes from Palestinians living under military occupation sharply raises the question of how animal welfare and protection can be advanced when humans are suffering. "We are human beings" is perhaps the most common refrain from Palestinians facing humiliating treatment at the hands of a bored soldier at a checkpoint. And "animals" is the most frequent curse an angry Palestinian will hurl against the harsh behavior of Israeli soldiers and settlers.  Johnson 2019, p. xvii. Johnson, Penny (2019). Companions in Conflict:Animals in Occupied Palestine. Melville House. ISBN 978-1-612-19743-2.


https://www.jstor.org/stable/25834724? jpsr: kotek quote

https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv21hrhpz.20 ihra

Animal similes by species


Monkeys and Pigs


Muhammad Abd Al-Ilah



https://www.jstor.org/stable/25834644 jpsr

p. 122

Palestinian children have incorporated this language into their image of Jews. A girl on PA TV introduced herself as follows: "My name is Ala from Rafah. [I am] ten years old. Let the pigs and monkeys know and their leaders Sharon and Bush..."


https://www.jstor.org/stable/26870795 jpsr: dogs, pigs and monkeys in refs

https://www.jstor.org/stable/44289822 jpsr: dogs, pigs and monkeys in refs
















فلسطين ١لمسلمة




The slogan spread from Palestine to neighboring countries. In Syria and Lebanon in 1948 some crowds also chanted the slogan "Palestine is our land and the Jews are our dogs" at the Jews living there, sometimes as a precursor to riots.[9][10][11][12][13]

In 2009 the chant was used in a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Montreal.[14][15] In 2020 the chant (in Arabic) was captured on video in a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Ontario. The organizers issued an apology later. [16][17]







https://ojs.lib.uwo.ca/index.php/westernumirror/article/download/15961/12388/39201&ved=2ahUKEwj27sDq1d6FAxXS2wIHHWhBAD8QFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw2zmJTeR_KW26Xc7Pi7b5xL = Wiebe, M. (2008). Extermination and Euthanasia: Animal Symbolism in Nazi Germany. The Mirror - Undergraduate History Journal, 28(1), 21–38, Western University Ontario. Retrieved from https://ojs.lib.uwo.ca/index.php/westernumirror/article/view/15961


another source that explicitly links the slogan "Palestine is our land and the Jews are our dogs" with the fact that dog is a particularly grave insult in Islam











and it was sometimes directed also against the Christians, i.e. "Palestine is our land and Christians and Jews are our dogs"

--- zionist/jewish dogs









In 2015 UN Watch claimed that a Palestinian UNRWA worker wrote in this facebook account “Stab Zionist dogs“ under an image of a man holding a knife in the colors of the Palestinian flag.[18][19]









Rats and Mice


In some Muslim traditions when the ancient Jews were turned into pigs and apes some of them were also turned into rats and mice (and also lizards and termites).[20][21][22]





Rats and mice were an antisemitic trope that was used by the Nazis[23], including in propaganda broadcasts aimed at the Arab world.[24]














Snakes is a known antisemitic trope.[25][26][27][28][29] It is also used in Palestinian propaganda against Israel.[30][31]

Snakes are a known antisemitic trope.[32] It appeared on the cover of several editions of The Protocols of the Elder of Zion.[33] including on Arab translation (https://www.google.co.il/books/edition/The_Medieval_Roots_of_Antisemitism/2M1JDwAAQBA p. 167)

Snakes are used in Palestinian propaganda against Israel.[34][35][36]

snake/dragon coiled around the world derived from antisemitic literature with an Islamic slant (reorder)https://www.google.co.il/books/edition/The_Road_to_Martyrs_Square/6OUJCAAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=martyr+square+snake&pg=PR101&printsec=frontcover











Other biological forms












In 2006 Hamas Political Bureau chief Khaled Mashal called Israel a "cancer that must be pulled out by its roots."[37]




Animals in general







Vampires are a known antisemitic trope.[38][39] Some scholars say that this trope was copied from classic European antisemitism into some parts of the Arab world.[40][41][42][43] Israel and Zionism are sometimes depicted in Palestinian sources as vampires. [44][45] Vampires are a known antisemitic trope.[46][47] Some scholars think that this trope was copied from European antisemitism into some parts of the Arab world.[48] Israel and Zionism are sometimes depicted in Palestinian sources as vampires.[relevant?][49][50] For example: In 2002 the General Union of Palestinian Students in the University of Manchester circulated a pamphlet describing the Jews as vampires, based on a pro-Nazi fabrication of a speech attributed to Benjamin Franklin.[51][52][53][54] In 2003 a cartoon of Shaul Mofaz, who was then the Israeli defense minister, with vampire's fangs dripping blood appeared in Al-Hayat El-Jadida.[55] In 2018 the same paper published an article saying that Gaza’s “enemies and the robbers of the land and the homeland are vampires".[56] In 2015 Manal Tamimi, a Palestinian activist who was included at the time in the UN list of "human rights defenders", posted on her Twitter account: “Vampire zionist [sic] celebrating their Kebore day [probably Yom Kippur] by drinking Palestinian bloods".[57][58]






"muhsin abu ita" - octopus & snake



Octopuses are a known antisemitic trope.[59][60][61][62] It appeared on the cover of several editions of The Protocols of the Elder of Zion (including one Arab translation).[63][64]



















https://www.adl.org/sites/default/files/july-december-2014.pdf p 8

Arthropods (Insects, Spiders, Scorpions etc.)


https://palwatch.org/page/18127 scorpion

https://palwatch.org/page/16162 scorpion

https://palwatch.org/page/2171 scorpion

https://palwatch.org/page/30084 mosquito




















https://www.google.co.il/books/edition/Political_Learning_and_Citizenship_Educa/KWl_AgAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=palestinians+zionists+are+locust&pg=PA77&printsec=frontcover p 77 locust

https://www.impact-se.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Al-Fateh_Report_2009_final.pdf Al-Fateh










  1. ^ Bell, Dean Phillip (2018-10-10). The Routledge Companion to Jewish History and Historiography. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-429-85917-5.
  2. ^ Nelson, Cary (2019-06-07). Israel Denial: Anti-Zionism, Anti-Semitism, & The Faculty Campaign Against the Jewish State. Indiana University Press. p. 170. ISBN 978-0-253-04508-9.
  3. ^ Provost, René; Akhavan, Payam (2010). Confronting Genocide. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 144. ISBN 978-90-481-9840-5.
  4. ^ Herz, Michael; Molnar, Peter (2012-04-09). The Content and Context of Hate Speech: Rethinking Regulation and Responses. Cambridge University Press. p. 447. ISBN 978-0-521-19109-8.
  5. ^ Rosenblum, Mark (2017-07-05). The Jewish Condition: Challenges and Responses - 1938-2008. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-351-48052-9.
  6. ^ Kressel, Neil J. (2012-08-01). "The Sons of Pigs and Apes": Muslim Antisemitism and the Conspiracy of Silence. Potomac Books, Inc. ISBN 978-1-59797-702-9.
  7. ^ Las, Nelly (2015-08-01). Jewish Voices in Feminism: Transnational Perspectives. U of Nebraska Press. ISBN 978-0-8032-7704-5.
  8. ^ Ginges, Jeremy; Hansen, Ian; Norenzayan, Ara (2009). "Religion and Support for Suicide Attacks". Psychological Science. 20 (2): 224–230. ISSN 0956-7976.
  9. ^ Lucien, Elia (2023), "Beirut, Lebanon: The Dead-End Alley", in Glasberg, Rebecca; Brozgal, Lia (eds.), A Jewish Childhood in the Muslim Mediterranean: A Collection of Stories Curated by Leïla Sebbar, vol. 2 (1 ed.), University of California Press, pp. 41–45, ISBN 978-0-520-39339-4
  10. ^ Bengio, Ofra Basul (2021-05-20). "As pogroms targeted Aleppo's Jews, my family made a dangerous choice: To flee". Haaretz. Retrieved 2024-04-24.
  11. ^ Grant, Linda (2004-03-20). "A ballerina, a bobby and many marked men". The Guardian. Retrieved 2024-04-28.
  12. ^ Bensoussan, Georges; Halper, Andrew (2019). "Chapter 10: The Turning Point, 1945–1949". Jews in Arab Countries: The Great Uprooting. Indiana University Press. doi:10.2307/j.ctvd58t48. JSTOR j.ctvd58t48.
  13. ^ Tawil, Hayim; Schneider, Bernard (2010-01-01). Crown of Aleppo: The Mystery of the Oldest Hebrew Bible Codex. Jewish Publication Society. pp. 7, 142. ISBN 978-0-8276-0957-0. Arab mob filled the square in front of the Great Synagogue and spilled out into the side streets, chanting, "Falestin beladna, we al Yehud kalabna," or "Palestine is ours, and the Jews are our dogs". The Arab citizens then stormed the synagogue and, with the soldiers' help, ransacked and burned it. (Footnote 14 in p 142: Dogs are considered unclean in Islam so calling someone a dog is a particularly grave insult).
  14. ^ Delmar, Dan (2009-02-05). "So-So-So-Solidarité – with Palestine". The Métropolitain. Retrieved 2024-04-28.
  15. ^ Rubenstein, Richard L. (2010). Jihad and Genocide. Rowman & Littlefield (published 2023). p. 179. ISBN 978-1-4422-0198-9.
  16. ^ Lieberman, Caryn (2020-07-09). "'Jews are our dogs': Anti-Semitic chant at Mississauga rally being investigated by police". Global News. Retrieved 2024-04-21.
  17. ^ US State Department (2020–2021), International Religious Freedom Report-Custom Report - ec4b0a8091
  18. ^ Guttman, Nathan (2015-10-20). "Are Palestinian UN Workers Glorifying Violence Against Israelis on Social Media?". The Forward. Retrieved 2024-05-06.
  19. ^ "UNRWA workers hail terror attacks on social media, NGO says". Times of Israel. 2015-10-17. Retrieved 2024-05-06.
  20. ^ Windecker, Gidon (2023). Between Jabal ʿAmil, Karbala and Jerusalem: The Lebanese Shi'a and the Struggle for Palestine. Springer Nature. p. 56. ISBN 978-3-031-38450-9.
  21. ^ Cook, Michael (2022). Studies in the Origins of Early Islamic Culture and Tradition. Taylor & Francis. p. 53. ISBN 978-1-000-58508-7.
  22. ^ Solnick, Aluma (2008). "Based on Qura'nic Verses, Interpretations, and Traditions, Muslim Clerics State: Jews Are the Descendants of Apes, Pigs, And Other Animals". In Bostom, Andrew G. (ed.). The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History. Prometheus Books. pp. 634, 639. ISBN 978-1-59102-554-2. (Primary source: Ibrahim Al-Ali, Falastin Al-Muslima, London, September 1996, pp. 54-55).{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  23. ^ Bland, Archie (2015-11-18). "Rats: the history of an incendiary cartoon trope". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2024-04-25.
  24. ^ Herf, Jeffrey (2009). Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World. Yale University Press. pp. 112–113. ISBN 978-0-300-15583-9.
  25. ^ "Election poster of a Jewish snake crushing the Austrian eagle". United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Retrieved 2024-04-28.
  26. ^ "Jewish Snakes Antisemitic Postcard". Bulmash Family Holocaust Collection, Kenyon College. 1940-06-28.
  27. ^ "Antisemitism Explained". Philadelphia Holocaust Remembrance Foundation. Archived from the original on 2024-04-01. Retrieved 2024-04-28.
  28. ^ "Caricatures from Der Stuermer". German Propaganda Archive, Calvin University. Retrieved 2024-04-28.
  29. ^ Jaschik, Scott. "Cornell Denounces Anti-Jewish Fliers". Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved 2024-04-28.
  30. ^ Black, Ian (2008-12-19). "Cartoon symbols of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2024-04-25.
  31. ^ Bayefsky, Anne F.; Blank, Laurie R. (2018). Incitement to Terrorism. Brill. p. 20. ISBN 978-90-04-35982-6.
  32. ^ "Antisemitism Explained". Philadelphia Holocaust Remembrance Foundation. Archived from the original on 2024-04-01. Retrieved 2024-04-28.
  33. ^ Bronner, Stephen Eric (2018). A Rumor about the Jews: Conspiracy, Anti-Semitism, and the Protocols of Zion. Springer. p. 58. ISBN 978-3-319-95396-0.
  34. ^ Black, Ian (2008-12-19). "Cartoon symbols of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2024-04-25. repulsive, hook-nosed Jews are portrayed as snakes or vampires;
  35. ^ Gordon, Gregory (2018). "Freedom of Expression, Hate Speech, and Incitement to Terrorism and Genocide: Resonances and Tensions". In Bayefsky, A. F.; Blank, L.R. (eds.). Incitement to Terrorism. Brill. p. 20. ISBN 978-90-04-35982-6. The Palestinian Authority's outlets – and even children's shows and school curricula – have long called Jews snakes, monkeys, and pigs and called for the annihilation of Israel.
  36. ^ Harkabi, Yehoshafat (1974). Arab Attitudes to Israel. John Wiley & Sons. p. 345. ISBN 978-0-470-35203-8.
  37. ^ Stern, Yoav (2006-10-12). "Hamas: IDF will face catastrophe if invades Gaza Strip". Haaretz. Retrieved 2024-05-04.
  38. ^ Keane, David (2008). "Cartoon Violence and Freedom of Expression". Human Rights Quarterly. 30 (4): 845–875. 'The category zoomorphism is described as a "very common theme throughout the world" with two of the predominant anti-Semitic zoomorphic motifs being "the blood-thirsty vampire and the octopus".'
  39. ^ Weinstock, Jeffrey (2001). “Circumcising Dracula: The Vampire as Anti-Semitic Trope”. Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 12: 95.
  40. ^ Dan, Peter (2009). "How Vampires Became Jewish". Studia Hebraica (9–10): 417–429. ISSN 1582-8158. The dynamic of this new connection is similar to the previous vampire – Jew one: the negative feelings associated with Nazism are projected onto Israel and by extension, the Jews.
  41. ^ Kotek, Joël (2009). Cartoons and Extremism: Israel and the Jews in Arab and Western Media. Vallentine Mitchell. p. 61: "The Arab cartoonists revive the antisemyth [sic] of the Jew as a vampire in a heightened form. [..] This image, legacy of another age, is central to contemporary Arab-Muslim cartoons." p. 62 shows a cartoon of a vampire by Palestinian cartoonist Omayya Joha that appeared on 9 March 2003 in the Palestinian Authority newspaper Al-Hayat AL-Jadida.
  42. ^ Gerstenfeld, Manfred (2005). "European Politics: Double Standards Toward Israel". Jewish Political Studies Review. 17 (3/4): 21–66. ISSN 0792-335X. Many Arab cartoons praise suicide bombing or call for murder. To dehumanize Jews, Arab cartoonists often depict them as malevolent creatures: spiders, vampires, or octopuses. The collective image of the Jews thus projected lays the groundwork for a possible genocide.
  43. ^ Dean, Mitchell (2007). Governing Societies. McGraw-Hill Education (UK). p. 151. ISBN 978-0-335-22967-3. Jihadism has distinct resemblance to the features of fascism: [..] a virulent anti-Semitism which views Jews through vampire blood myths
  44. ^ Gerteiny, Alfred G. (2007). The Terrorist Conjunction: The United States, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, and al-Qa'ida. Bloomsbury Publishing USA. p. 93. ISBN 978-0-275-99644-4. Mutual dehumanization is common between Palestinians and Israelis – the former call the latter pigs, dogs, infidels, and bloodsucking vampires, while the latter refer to the former as savage animals, primitives, and uncivilized or repugnant critters.
  45. ^ Black, Ian (2008-12-19). "Cartoon symbols of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2024-04-25. repulsive, hook-nosed Jews are portrayed as snakes or vampires;
  46. ^ Keane, David (2008). "Cartoon Violence and Freedom of Expression". Human Rights Quarterly. 30 (4): 845–875. 'The category zoomorphism is described as a "very common theme throughout the world" with two of the predominant anti-Semitic zoomorphic motifs being "the blood-thirsty vampire and the octopus".'
  47. ^ Dan, Peter (2009). "How Vampires Became Jewish". Studia Hebraica (9–10): 417–429. ISSN 1582-8158.
  48. ^ Dean, Mitchell (2007). Governing Societies. McGraw-Hill Education (UK). p. 151. ISBN 978-0-335-22967-3.
  49. ^ Gerteiny, Alfred G. (2007). The Terrorist Conjunction: The United States, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, and al-Qa'ida. Bloomsbury Publishing USA. p. 93. ISBN 978-0-275-99644-4. Mutual dehumanization is common between Palestinians and Israelis – the former call the latter pigs, dogs, infidels, and bloodsucking vampires, while the latter refer to the former as savage animals, primitives, and uncivilized or repugnant critters.
  50. ^ Black, Ian (2008-12-19). "Cartoon symbols of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2024-04-25. repulsive, hook-nosed Jews are portrayed as snakes or vampires;
  51. ^ Julius, Anthony (2010). Trials of the Diaspora: A History of Anti-Semitism in England. Oxford University Press. p. 536. ISBN 978-0-19-929705-4.
  52. ^ "The Left's 'anti-Semitism' can't go unchallenged". Times Higher Education. 2006-06-02. Retrieved 2024-05-20.
  53. ^ Axelrod, Toby (2002-05-29). "European Jews rally for Israel". Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Retrieved 2024-05-20.
  54. ^ MacShane, Denis (2008). Globalising Hatred: The New Antisemitism. Hachette UK. p. 48.
  55. ^ Kotek, Joël (2009). Cartoons and Extremism: Israel and the Jews in Arab and Western Media. Vallentine Mitchell. p. 62. ISBN 978-0-85303-752-1. (The cartoon by Omayya Joha appeared on 9 March 2003).
  56. ^ Jeffay, Nathan (2018-05-18). "Hamas' aims at border fence exposed". The Australian Jewish News. Retrieved 2024-05-15.
  57. ^ Weinthal, B (2018-09-12). "Berlin-financed NGO cancels talk with 'antisemitic' activist Manal Tamimi". The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 2024-05-15.
  58. ^ Hofmann, Sarah Judith (2017-02-12). "Was steckt hinter der Bewegung BDS? [What is behind the BDS movement?]". DW News. Retrieved 2024-05-15.
  59. ^ "Anti-Jewish propaganda". Holocaust Encyclopedia. US Holocaust Memorial Museum. Retrieved 2024-05-06.
  60. ^ Small, Charles Asher (2013). Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. p. 45. ISBN 978-90-04-26556-1.
  61. ^ Gray, Matthew (2010). Conspiracy Theories in the Arab World: Sources and Politics. Routledge. p. 132. ISBN 978-1-136-96751-1.
  62. ^ Rosenfeld, Alvin H. (2021). Contending with Antisemitism in a Rapidly Changing Political Climate. Indiana University Press. p. 44. ISBN 978-0-253-05814-0.
  63. ^ Bronner, Stephen Eric (2018). A Rumor about the Jews: Conspiracy, Anti-Semitism, and the Protocols of Zion. Springer. p. 58. ISBN 978-3-319-95396-0.
  64. ^ Milson, Menahem (2010). "A European Plot on the Arab Stage" (PDF). Antisemitism International. 5–6. Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism.
  65. ^ Firer, Ruth; ʻAdwān, Sāmī ʻAbd al-Razzāq (2004). The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in History and Civics Textbooks of Both Nations. Hahnsche. ISBN 978-3-88304-142-1.