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User:Verdy p

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Babel user information
fr-N Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
de-3 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf hohem Niveau.
es-2 Este usuario tiene un conocimiento intermedio del español.
la-2 Hic usor lingua Latina mediae difficultatis conferre potest.
br-1 Ul live brezhoneg diazez zo gant an implijer-mañ.
ca-1 Aquest usuari té un coneixement bàsic de català.
el-1 Αυτός ο χρήστης έχει βασικές γνώσεις Ελληνικών.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
pt-3 Este utilizador tem um nível avançado de português.
it-2 Questo utente può contribuire con un livello intermedio in italiano.
eo-2 Ĉi tiu uzanto havas meznivelan scion de Esperanto.
oc-1 Aqueste utilizaire dispausa de coneissenças de basa en occitan.
nl-1 Deze gebruiker heeft elementaire kennis van het Nederlands.
gsw-1 Dää Benutzer cha e bitzeli Alemannisch.

My main user page is on French Wikipedia: fr:Utilisateur:verdy_p. This user name is also used since long on all other wikis and it has been so except on English Wikipedia.

My themes and personnalizations




Please understand that English is not my native language: English is not spoken, written, read and understood by a majority of people and medias in France where I live, and even if I took the best efforts to write clearly in English, there may remain conflicts of interpretations or undetected semantic/lexical/grammatical/syntaxic/orthographic errors in that language, so I may choose to answer to your questions only in French, if this has any legal or policy-related consequences. However most of the time, I should have no problem to read and write in English, as long as your forgive some minor errors, and allow me to fix them or confirm their interpretation (so please ask me, if something is not clear for yo or if there was a typo causing troubles).

For other languages listed beside, I can read them without problem most of the time, but I will avoid writing long text or explaining things in other languages than French and English (because there could be too many spelling or grammatical errors or too many unexpected interpretations for terms with multiple lemmas, and I'm not used to specialized jargons or slang words possibly used in these other languages): my contributions in these other languages will be very limited, only for obvious things that can be checked without serious doubts.



This account here was previously named "Verdy_P" (from 2004 and up to 2 July 2008 : all my 2,308 edits in this period were lost in the history, due to failure of SUL to unify the account correctly) instead of "verdy_p" since then. The account "Verdy_P" is now bloqued and cannot be registered by any one else than me, and past references to it (notably in talk and ommunity pages, as well as history of contributions) are from me (this was asserted when that account was renamed for SUL.

I previously had also another account named "verdy_p" that became inaccessible after its first day of existence in 2004 (due to a server failure not registering the account correctly); this dead account is now renamed "verdy_p2004" (it was used on English Wikipedia for one day editing only one article). This is that inacessible old account for years that had forced me to recreate an other account "Verdy_P" (with the last letter in capital) here in 2004 (and then used until 2008), as an exception compared to all other wikis (at that time it was not possible to rename accounts). This exception is now terminated since 2008, and all my active accounts on Wikimedia wikis share the same user name "Verdy_p" or "verdy_p" under SUL (only the lettercase of the 1st letter is not significant for user names on this wiki).

Unfortunately, renaming accounts is still bogous: it does not move the user's pages and talk page as well, just the history. And you inherit the pages previously created by another account or you have to recreate them. Renaming accounts is certainly the worst solution and should not be the only solution offered to users in order to make SUL work across wikis.

Licensing and Privacy


All my past and future contributions made on projects hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation (Wikipedia, Commons, Wiktionary, Meta,...) are now placed explicitly under both GFDL and CC-BY-SA licenses, including those before the transition date. This means that those past contributions will also adopt the CC-BY-SA license, everywhere only the default GFDL license was used since my first registation on any Wikimedia servers. (Note that a few files were also released directly under other licenses compatible with the GPL (2.1 or 3.0 or later), such as CeCILL 1.0 or later. This statement clearly indicates that those other licenses remain valid.

Here is my digitaly signed approval for the change of Wikimedia licencing policy
(See Special:SecurePoll/vote/1, ended on 3 May 2009,
and meta:Licensing update/Questions and Answers).

SPID:        719
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


verdy_p (talk) 18:41, 12 April 2009 (UTC)

My intent is now to use any license that is benefitable to the Wikimedia community at large. But I'll continue to authorize reuse of this content (or future content) under GFDL (1.2 or later) and GPL projects, even if the Wikimedia Foundation chooses later to only use CC-BY-SA for the future, unless a public statement is made by the Foundation (and accepted by a general community vote) that only CC-BY-SA (version 3.0 or later) should be kept.

See also my personal page on French Wikipedia for possibly additional licenses: fr:Utilisateur:verdy_p. Note that I do not support the so-called "public domain", except for very limited data where I give explicit authorization, because it offers NO protection and can be abusively reappropriated with unfair copyrights or parents in many countries, even retroactively (I irrevocably reject any restriction of my chosen licencing terms, even if some countries have already attempt to reappropriate their own public contents, such that those undesired reappropriations will not legally affect my rights and the rights I granted by licences, also I reject any other patent claims or other legal tricks that unfairly profit of freely-licenced contents).

On all wiki projects hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation, the licensing terms shown in my English Wikipedia account apply. This means that all my contributions are licensed under GFDL 1.2+, or GPL 2.1+, or CC-BY-SA 1.0+ : this is attested by a digital signature recorded by the Wikimedia Foundation, and with a public signature on this English Wikipedia user page.
I also approve the licenses CeCILL 1.0+ for the same contributions, as well as ODbL for any reuse of my data contributions in databases. In Wikidata, some database contents may also be licenced by default with CC0 (see the applicable conditions on Wikidata).

(Other licences are possible on request, just ask me if you need one, on my user talk page on the English or French editions of Wikipedia).

Licensing restrictions for Privacy : These licensing extensions to databases are not applicable to my contributions in Talk pages of these wikis, where they contain personally identifiable information (they are protected by the French law Informatique et liberté of 1978, and other related international treaties ratified by France) ; the only personal information allowed to be exported is the indication of my public Wikimedia user account names (as they are seen in the public history of wiki pages to which I have personnally contributed). So you are not allowed to impersonate me (reusing my user account names or any other personally identifiable information, grabbed from Wikimedia projects or elsewhere) without my prior authorization, in your own contributions or modifications, on any Wikimedia projects or on any derived databases or publications that are subject to the above licenses.
This means that you may copy parts or all of my contributions in Talk pages of projects hosted by Wikimedia into other articles (possibly hosted elsewhere), if needed, but they will be subject to the above licenses, and you may not include my user name (or other personally identifiable information) except for the purposes of keeping the history of versions and preserving the exclusive copyrights of the original author, independantly of the license chosen (please read these licenses about your obligations and about how to preserve the copyrights of authors).
If this Privacy restriction is blocking for your own project, my contributions on Wikimedia projects may be anonymized using a global community name (such as "The contributors of Wikipedia", or "Source: Wikimedia public projects") where my data was published in unmodified form (so that my ownership of original rights can still be safely asserted), but you'll need to chose the appropriate license applicable to the collective work produced by this global community, and to accept the terms of this license, and you may also need to accept to be designated yourself as a member of this community, and to apply all "Contributor Terms", charters or other policies that have been collectively and publicly approved by this community, before reusing this community name into your derived works or databases, even if you are the author of modifications made for these derived works or databases.
For reference, my personal privacy rights are irrevocably protected and enforced by laws applicable in France (notably the 1978 Loi Informatique et Liberté and its later amendments and extensions), further recognized and extended by directives enforced throughout the European Union (notably the GDPR), both being monitored in France by the French Commission on Computing and Liberty (Commission nationale Informatique et Liberté, CNIL).