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The article that I chose to edit is "Live Media." Since there is not much on the article itself, I can incorporate different topics into it. I can mention about periscope, which is an app that's all about live media streaming. It's also linked to Twitter, so I can mention that as well. I will also give other examples of live media streaming such as, facebook live and youtube mobile live streaming. I can talk about the pros and cons. I can state how live streaming can effect us and how we can use it to our advantage.

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Draft/Notes: Live Media

Live Streaming


Live media has become more widely popular and everyone seems to be hooked. With live media, everyone can be in the loop. Even though it sounds fun and entertaining, there may be some downfalls to live media as well. This can happen through several different apps/social media. 2016 has earned the title of “live streaming” due to popular apps, such as Periscope and Snapchat. Not only do our social lives can be affected through live streaming but a business effect can come into play as well. James Harden partnered with Trolli through snapchat, which promoted the upcoming NBA All Star Game and it was an excellent advertisement. Live streaming has now become a globally invention that could be used by anyone.



Twitter is a popular app where people can post tweets, share videos, post pictures. In March 2015, Twitter became more inventive and launched a new live streaming app called “Periscope.” Normally, when an individual is on Twitter, they would usually see a link attached to their broadcast, that one would have to click and it will automatically direct to a new tab or safari. With the updated Twitter and new app, Periscope is now live on your timeline! No more links. If the person has allowed to share his/her information, one can see where the stream is streaming from. As one is watching the broadcast, anyone is free to give their input/comments, talk to the broadcaster, ask questions, etc. Kayvon Beykpour, CEO of Periscope, and Dick Costolo and Jack Dorsey, CEOs of Twitter all shared a common goal. Their goal was to invent something that would merge both teams into one instead of as partners. In trying to come up with an ingenious idea, one thing came to mind, the combination of live streaming and twitter. The team wanted to give the people more accessibility, for both Twitter and Periscope.

Youtube Live Streaming


It is known that Youtube is paired with Google. The paired duo had declared the innovative feature about the live streaming app. Like Periscope, one can comment on the broadcast as well. Unlike Periscope, Youtube’s live streaming has the ability to be saved by the video shots and any accessible user can look them up through the app. Even though Youtube has competitors such as Periscope and Facebook Live, they want to prove to everyone that they are the better competitor.

Updated Draft

Facebook Live


Facebook is another popular social media site that people use to talk to relatives or friends, post/share videos/pictures, or whatever they choose to doCompared to Twitter, Facebook has about a billion users. While Twitter has about a million users. With the amount of users Facebook has, so if one wants to attract people during their streaming, Facebook is most likely the go to. Since Facebook is public to all, people post anything. For example, an incident where three men were shot was captured through Facebook live. [6] The video is now used as evidence from the shooting. Another video from Facebook was posted of a woman streaming her fiancé's death. This caused commotion on the social media itself, wanting the video to be removed. Facebook had commented on the issue itself personally. For the shooting incident, they would allow someone to capture a live video that would bring awareness to the public. However, if it was to ridicule the victim in anyway, they would have it removed immediately from the site. Facebook live could be used in a personal, business, or in the matter of spreading awareness.

Pros/Cons of Live Media


Through social media, one is able to share their content with their audience. It's important to keep in mind that there could be several ups and down when trying to have a successful broadcast.[7]


Communicating with the audience - It's important to communicate and engage with the audience. It shows one's character and how involved you are. Unlike embedded videos, live streaming has that "one on one" interaction. Extended/longer time - Youtube links can be watched at any time and anywhere. For a live stream, this can be an individual's only chance to be able to communicate their broadcaster. One can ask questions and get it right from the source. More accessible options - Users who have a Youtube account can now alert their subscribers when they're live streaming. Google+ automatically connects with Youtube, therefore saving your video to your Youtube. This can be beneficial to users who missed out on the live stream but is able to watch it on their free time. Connections - When live streaming, anyone can be watching. It could be an individual from a high end business/organization. This is a great opportunity to reach to new potential customers. One can promote their product, thus making some profit.


Setting up - In order to have a successful live stream, a strong bandwidth is required to make this possible. Viewers become easily frustrated with the constant buffering on a video. This can be infuriating and could lose viewers. Video quality and playback quality are important essentials for one's live stream. This draws in the audience. Convenience - Time is something to consider when live streaming. People from all over the world have different time zones. They might not have access due to the time difference. It is important to keep these people in mind and not leave them out. However, there could be possible solutions to this dilemma. It may require rescheduling in order to make it work. Legitimate - Downloading a file can be helpful in many ways. This can be favorable for those who missed out on the broadcast. Nonetheless, it can cause some downfall when dealing with legal issues. Piracy could be a potential consequence and this could lead to more illegal issues.


  1. ^ Agrawal, Harsh. "Live Streaming 101 for Social Media Marketers". Jeffbullas. Retrieved October 7, 2016.
  2. ^ Rao, Leena. "YouTube Finally Debuts Mobile Live Streaming". Fortune. Retrieved October 7, 2016.
  3. ^ Orlin, Jon. "10 Best Practices for Live Streaming Production". Streamingmedia. Retrieved October 7, 2016.
  4. ^ Stern, Joanna. "What to Know About Live Video, Social Media's Latest Craze". The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved October 7, 2016.
  5. ^ Pierce, David. "Periscope Now Drops Live Video Into Your Twitter Timeline". Wired. Retrieved October 7, 2016.
  6. ^ Almasy, Steve; Essaid, Salim (July 14, 2016). "Norfolk men shot while streaming video on Facebook Live". CNN. Retrieved October 21, 2016.
  7. ^ Donahue, Sean. "The Secret of Successful Video Live Streaming". IMSC. Retrieved October 21, 2016.