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Installing Kali Linux Kali is the successor to the BackTrack Linux distribution, designed by Offensive Security from the ground up as a penetration testing operating system. It comes with a number of tools preinstalled and is based on Debian Linux, so you’ll also be able to install a wide variety of additional tools and libraries beyond what’s on the OS to start. First, grab a Kali VM image from the following URL: http://images.of ensive-security.com/kali- linux-1.0.9-vm-i486.7z. [2] Download and decompress the image, and then double-click it to make VMWare Player fire it up. The default username is root and the password is toor. This should get you into the full Kali desktop environment as shown in Figure 1-1. Figure 1-1. The Kali Linux desktop The first thing we are going to do is ensure that the correct version of Python is installed. This book will use Python 2.7 throughout. In the shell (Applications▸Accessories▸Terminal), execute the following: root@kali:~# python --version Python 2.7.3 root@kali:~# If you downloaded the exact image that I recommended above, Python 2.7 will be automatically installed. Please note that using a different version of Python might break some of the code examples in this book. You have been warned. Now let’s add some useful pieces of Python package management in the form of easy_install and pip. These are much like the apt package manager because they allow you to directly install Python WingIDE While I typically don’t advocate commercial software products, WingIDE is the best IDE that I’ve used in the past seven years at Immunity. WingIDE provides all the basic IDE functionality like auto- completion and explanation of function parameters, but its debugging capabilities are what set it apart from other IDEs. I will give you a quick rundown of the commercial version of WingIDE, but of course you should choose whichever version is best for you. [3] You can grab WingIDE from http://www.wingware.com/, and I recommend that you install the trial so that you can experience firsthand some of the features available in the commercial version. You can do your development on any platform you wish, but it might be best to install WingIDE on your Kali VM at least to get started. If you’ve followed along with my instructions so far, make sure that you download the 32-bit .deb package for WingIDE, and save it to your user directory. Then drop into a terminal and run the following: root@kali:~# dpkg -i wingide5_5.0.9-1_i386.deb This should install WingIDE as planned. If you get any installation errors, there might be unmet dependencies. In this case, simply run: root@kali:~# apt-get -f install This should fix any missing dependencies and install WingIDE. To verify that you’ve installed it properly, make sure you can access it as shown in Figure 1-2. Figure 1-2. Accessing WingIDE from the Kali desktop Fire up WingIDE and open a new, blank Python file. Then follow along as I give you a quick rundown