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User:Victoriaearle/Hemingway sandbox

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To do
  • Read Farah re Gloria
  • Read New Yorker re SAR, [1]

Spanish civil war


Notes to self

  • Section needs work >> Martha & EH in Spain; Spain to Key West to Spain to Cuba? What happened to Pauline? good question, try finding
  • Reread Meyers (321 ish) & Mellow

Baker, The Writer as Artist

  • The Spanish tragedy - pp. 223-263
  • "A writer's problem does not change .... It is always to write truly and having found out what is true to project it in such a sway that it becomes a part of the experience of the person who reads it." >> EH speech to Second American Writer's Congress, NYC, June 4 1937 after returning from 1st trip to Spain during the war. Furthermore, "There is only one form of government that cannot produce good writers, and that system is facism. For facism is a lie told by bullies. A writer who will not lie cannot live and work under fascism." pp. 223-24
  • He'd been following develepments in Spain since early in his career 224
  • From early 1931 it was clear that there would be another European war - Hitler wanted war & Hemingway predicted there wouldn't be war in '35, 36 but in '37 or '38. But Baker says he didn't expect Spain to "become a sort of international testing-ground for Germany, Italy, and Russia before the Spanish Civil War was over" 227
  • Raised funds to provide ambulances for Loyalists in 36 & by 37 was chairman of Ambulance committee, American friends of Spanish democracy 229
  • First trip Feb 27 1937 sailed to report for NANA, flew to Barcelona mid-March, on to Alicante to join Loyalists after Brihuega (?) 229
  • Worked w/ Joris Ivens April & May on The Spanish Earth 230
  • Back in US on May 19; film screened at WH for FDR July 8. Back to Spain in August (trip #2). 233
  • Second trip August 14 37 - Jan 28 38 produced The Fifth Column234
  • Baker > "Like the film, the play showed that war is hell" 234


  • Putnam >> Men at War '42; & Pilar
  • British war effort relied on oil from Lake Maracaibo refined in Aruba, transported by Lago Oil and Transport Company - German subs targeted tankers; by end of '42 263 oil ship destroyed in Caribbean. Uboats accessed Aruba via Cuba. Reynolds 336
  • Secretary of War Frank Knox set up auxilliary patrols by boat owners along east coast (r338), but H couldn't in Cuba (r339), so he worked through Ambassodor Spruille Braden who gave him permission in Oct '42 (r345-46). FBI in Cuba reported to Hoover "Braden acceded to Hemingway's request ..." & FBI wanted to keep eye on H (r346) & reported on Gellhorn's movements (r347). H refitted Pilar into a type of Q-ship & started patrolling November '42 (r349-50)
  • H called Leddy member of Gestapo (r351); much about Leddy/Hoover correspondence re H & H's "crook factory" (r351ff) >> need to read more about this
  • To be part of war effort H conceived of counterintelligence/espionage unit to surveil Falangists in Cuba, headquartered in guesthouse - called it "Crook Factory". Amb Braden approved; Martha did not. Called q-boat patrols "rot and rubbish"(Mellow 526-527)
  • Also surveillance of Nazi sympathiziers (Meyers 367)
  • Martha & H friendss thought his activities "little more than a diverting racket",(Meyer 367) but the 124 page file shows FBI took him seriously (Meyer 367), watched him (Reynold 346-347) and according to Meyers the "FBI kept watch on him for the rest of his life" (Meyer 384)
  • Meyer >> Pilar & fbi (somewhere)
  • Reynolds >> Pilar & deteriorating marriage & getting to England (somewhere); break up w/ Martha
  • Reynolds >> Aug. '43 Collier's wanted Martha to report war from England; she did not want to be housewife in Cuba; H didn't understand that she wanted to work as journalist; much drinking & fighting (r364)
  • Martha didn't understand his desire to patrol in waters around Cuba; his reluctance to back to Europe to another war & thought he was too old to report (r365)
  • Something about not getting Navy clearance by Nov ?? (has been patrolling for some time) has to stop?? (r369)
  • Martha returns for a vist March '44; huge fight (Reynolds says behavior similar to '60-'61 in Sun Valley & no one realized he was sick); he makes arrangements to go to Europe (r372-3)
  • H takes her job at Collier's (b/c women couldn't go to frontlines apparently) (r373)
  • Offers to write for Collier's who accept; b/c each publication only allowed one correspondent in the field, Martha was bumped for H (Mellow 529-30)
  • He gets seat on Navy plane; arrives England May 17, 2 weeks before Martha; (r374)
  • Meets Mary; car wreck; all before Martha gets there (r375)
  • Car wreck May 25; went straight to report D-day landings (mellow532) >> switch over to Farah after this ...
  • Don't forget Farah re repeated head injuries >> London concussion p. 32...


  • African place crash 36ff
  • Fbi file pp. 65ff
  • Multiple brain injuries causes Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) p. 39
  • EH = textbook example of CTE p. 40
  • Eventually led to dementia p. 40
  • "the fact is that all of his affective (mood) instability and “bipolar” symptoms can be fully explained by the illness of alcoholism." 41
  • "Hemingway biographers face a dilemma. If they ignore the alcohol- ism, then much of the story makes no sense. If they elaborate on the exact amounts and patterns of alcohol use, then they inevitably get bogged down by alcohol’s metastatic influence—on relationships, marriages, writing, health, and depression." p.45
  • Symptoms consistent with Dementia with Lewy bodies, particularly the delusions (many pages of examples) pp. 55ff
  • Summer 1960 in NY & Spain pp. 78ff
  • abusive towards Mary between two Mayo visits p. 104

Beegel, Susan F. "Review of Hemingway's Brain, by Andrew Farah". The Hemingway Review, vol. 37 no. 1, 2017, p. 122-127. Project MUSE, https://doi.org/10.1353/hem.2017.0023.

  • Farah = "Neuropsychiatrist, Chief of Psychiatry at the High Point Division of the University of North Carolina Healthcare System, and a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association." p. 122
  • thoroughly examined primary & secondary materials p.122
  • depression & dementia "with mixed etiology" >> concussions = CTE; according to Beegel, "Add alcoholism and stir." p. 123-124