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User:VikkyGo/The 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory

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In 2020 the entire world celebrates 75th anniversary since Nazi Germany was defeated. Few eyewitnesses survived to this day, but the memory of the Great Victory lives forever. More than 30 countries were involved in this tragic and terrible War that took away millions of people. This War changed everyone's life and made the whole world tremble with fear about these events. Therefore, all nations, involved in this drama, keep the memory of the Great Victory with special trepidation.

The Second World War is considered to have started on 1 September 1939, with the invasion of Poland by Germany and subsequent declarations of war on Germany by France and the United Kingdom. However, Great Patriotic War for Soviet Union burst out only in 2 years - on 22th of June in 1941 with the German invasion to the USSR territory. The attack was sudden and perfidious, but the Soviet military campaign was able to fight back. For 4 years, Soviet people survived many woeful events as siege of Leningrad, battle of Stalingrad and Holocaust. The War ended in 1945 with crushing defeat of Germany. Who the key player was in the defeat of the Nazis in Europe still remains an issue - British military historian Max Hastings in his book Inferno:[1] The World at War, 1939-1945, notes that each of the victorious nations "emerged from the Second World War confident in the belief that its own role had been decisive in procuring victory.” Whatever one may say the Nazis would not have been overcome without great contribution of the USSR, which paid for the victory with irretrievable human losses. An estimated 25 million to 31 million of Soviet people were killed in the conflict — 16 million of them civilians, and more than 8 million from the Red Army.

On the 9th of May, 1945 the most tragic page of the contemporary history was turned over.

In Russia, to commemorate the Victory Day an annual parade with thousands of people has been traditionally staged on the Red Square on 9th of May, the action “Immortal regiment” that used to gather millions in the center of the cities with photos of their loved ones, who defended their homeland from fascists. This year, thanks to the coronavirus, the big Moscow celebration scheduled for the 75th anniversary was canceled. Notwithstanding, people will always remember heroic deed of their ancestors. Profound respect for the participants in the Second World War hands down from generation to generation.

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