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I have a degree in Fine Arts and Art History, and spend 50% of my professional life writing.

My interest in the Regency Period stems from my love for Jane Austen's novels. In my travels to England, aside from visiting museums and book shops, I immersed myself in the physical settings of her time: Bath in Somerset, Brighton in Sussex, Mayfair in London, Regent Street, Bond Street, Regent's Park, Pall Mall, St. James's Street, Jermyn Street, Hyde Park, etc.

A large number of books in my possession cover Regency fashions, Neoclassical architecture; the Prince Regent (George IV) and the Carlton House set; the Napoleonic Wars; and social history of the era. In making contributions to Wikipedia, I try to refer to as many first-hand sources as possible.

Stylistically, I prefer to stay away from jargon and the kind of convoluted (dare I say, "intellectual") writing that one of my Art History professors described as "graduate-student-itis."