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User:Voyseyrobert/Driven by Andrew Muir

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Driven was written and directed by London playwright Andrew Muir in 2013, and performed for the first time in 2014 at the Jellicoe theater.


The play follows the life of a boy called Robert(Robert Voysey)and his sister Ellie(Ellie Gocoul) and how Ellie makes Robert go to university for her as she is to ill to go herself. As the story evolves you find out that Robert and Ellie's mum is currently in a coma and there dad is non existent from an early age. Even though the dad is never seen as he left them he plays a pivotal part in their life. Robert ends up going to university and because of his background he struggles to fit in, Robert is from a council estate where going to university is a huge thing, where as for the characters he meets along the way it is more of a natural path for them. Nathan(Nathan Linsdell)is the one person who causes the more confrontation with Robert as he is from a higher class and looks down on Robert. Other characters who Robert meets along the way are Sophie(Sophie Coulter), Clare(Clare Hawkins), Kirsty(Kirsty Hogg), Molly(Molly Cook), Hayden(Hayden Ashurst), Beverley (bev Sherritt)and Clare (Clare Threadgold). The plays then looks at the downfall of how Robert grows apart from his sister ignoring everything she is getting him to do at university, resulting in her killing herself but self emulation shortly after its confirmed that Robert and Ellie's mum has died after Ellie has told the hospital to turn off her machine as Robert did not stick to the deal they made.


Robert- Robert Voysey Ellie- Ellie Gocoul Molly- Molly Cook kirsty- Kirsty Hogg Beverley- Bev Sherritt Nathan- Nathan Linsdell Hayden- Haydeen Ashurst Clare- Clare Hawkins Clare- Clare Threadgold Sophie- Sophie Coulter
