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User:Wacker09/Hyperextension Test (Elbow)

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Hyperextension Test (elbow)



The purpose of this special test of the elbow is to find if there is increased extension of the elbow.



Patient should either sit or stand with his/her elbow fully extended with their forearm supinated. The examiner should be on the involved side of the patient to perform the test.



To perform this special test, the examiner must passively extend the patients elbow until it has reached an endfeel.



If the patients elbow extends beyond zero degrees then it is considered hyperextension. An implication for a positive test is a torn or stretched inferior capsule of the elbow

Adverse Effects




See Also




This test may vary from patient to patient. Be sure to test Bilaterally Patient Position Patient can either sit or stand during procedure. Elbow must be fully extended with the forearm supinated during the test.



Konin, Jeff G. Special Test For Orthopedic Examination. Thorofare, NY: SLACK, 2006. Print.
