muavia is not faqi person it proved it from hadith of prophet The one of hadith of prophet muhammad (saw) which is in bukhari shareef hadith number is 3500. In this famous hadith which is described by ammer bin aash in the presence of many people and also muavia was presence there. As muavia listened this hadith he came in anger and stood up and say ohhh people i know this hadith is not in quran and hadith and this is not the hadith of prophet (saw) and this hadith is created by itself. But as we search about this we come to know this hadith is also narrated by hazrat abu harira r.a and muavia was unaware from this hadith and this matter is commented by all big scholar like muhammad dawood raaz and allama waheed uz zaman. They both are the big translater of hadith books such as bukhari and muslim shareef etc. They both said muavia was unaware from this hadith so here a question arrise muavia was not know this hadith so how we can say him he was the faqi person even he created the battle agaist hazrat ali a.s even in another hadith the prophet said “momin will not hate with ali and munafiq will not love with ali a.s”. So the knowlege of muavia prove poor here and it prove he was not faqi. There is also another point arrise here which is that muavia declared that this is not hadith in quran and sunnah and he was wrong because this hadith is exist in quran and sunnah as we discuss above this hadith is also narrtted by ahzrat abu harira (r.a) so here we will describe another hadith of prophet (saw) which is below The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Do not tell lies about me, for whoever tells lies about me will enter Hell.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 106. so here muavia go to hell because prophet say who will occuse on me he will go to hell and muavia was unaware from this hadith but he ossuse the ammer that “this is not hadith and it is created by itself” so according to this hadith which is in bukhari shareef 106. Muavia will go to hell because he told lie about the prophet (saw). Here two things proved from these hadiths one is muavia was not the faqi person and secondly he will go to hell.