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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This user believes Groupthink is the most dangerous aspect of the human psyche. Who's with me?
This user likes to do embroidery.
This user enjoys knitting.
This user is a lace-maker.
This user likes Maine Coons.
This user loves Shiba Inus.
This user likes the company of hamsters.
This user is interested in Gothic literature.
This user enjoys reading mysteries.
This user reads science fiction.
??This user hasn't revealed what gender or race he/she/it/they are. Nor what species, for that matter.
This user believes that their sexuality is irrelevant on Wikipedia and prefers not to disclose it.
TVTThis user is a troper.
This user is a transhumanist.
This user loves a good cup of tea.
This user is a Bibliophile.