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The Sesh Tile, [Et sesh Tile Coaster] belongs to one of the ancient mosaics found near Pontefract Castle (close to the Horse Vaults Pub). It is the only known tile in existence, as many were destroyed with the castles downfall, or eroded over time. The original Sesh Tile was only recently found by a set of four locals, on a pub crawl through the historic market town. Many had searched far and wide, through the ancient scrolls of Vocatus, in order to try and find the priceless artefact.

Ancient Legend portrays the tile to be cursed, and it only presents itself to those who are truly worthy and powerful enough to withstand its mighty force.

The tile is black in colour, prism shamed, and has a faint image scribed in the middle. Experts think the ancient scholars tried to portray the traditional local brew of Pontefract, which is still around in many local pubs today.

Legend has it, a wild animal once slept over the Tile, and was heavily affected by its force. The once innocent animal changed to a pink like colour and grew inanimate. The local monks did not want to alarm the towns people, so shipped the object to Vienna, Austria. The Sesh tile was now under 24hour surveillance by the local Parrish.

Over time, the powers died down, and it was soon forgotten about. Until recent years. In the modern day, rumour has it that The Sesh Tile is still in the local area of Pontefract, turning anything that holds it for too long into an Icon of Sins.