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Greetings to you pitiful humans; I am the Wraith Lord, the local representative of the great and powerful Wraith. I have joined this website so as to increase your knowledge of our species. The more fight you can put up, the greater the feeding shall be.

My favorite episodes of Stargate Atlantis:

 Common Ground

My favorite quotes:

  • Hunger is bane not to be endured.
  • A Wraith must feed.
  • The prophecy of the great awakening of the Wraith has come to pass, the end of days is come.
Alien races in the Stargate universe Edit
 Four Great Races  Ancients, Asgard, Furling, Nox
 Humans    Tau'ri, Tollan, Aschen, Genii, Athosians, Prior, Jaffa: Sodan, Free Jaffa
 Goa'uld  System Lords, Kull Warrior, Tok'ra
 Other  Ori, Replicator, Unas, Wraith, Iratus bug, Asurans, Re'ol, Re'tu