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User:Wulverine claws/Al-Mā‘ūn

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Text and meaning


Text and transliteration


بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Bismi l-lāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm(i)
أَرَءَيْتَ ٱلَّذِى يُكَذِّبُ بِٱلدِّينِ ۝
1 ’ara’ayta l-ladhī yukadhdhibu biddīn(i)
فَذَٰلِكَ ٱلَّذِى يَدُعُّ ٱلْيَتِيمَ ۝
2 Fadhālika l-adhi yadu‘‘u l-yatīm(a)
وَلَا يَحُضُّ عَلَىٰ طَعَامِ ٱلْمِسْكِينِ ۝
3 Walā yaḥuḍḍu ‘alā ṭa‘ami l-miskīn(i)
فَوَيْلٌ لِّلْمُصَلِّينَ ۝
4 Fawaylu l-lilmuṣallīn(a)
ٱلَّذِينَ هُمْ عَن صَلَاتِهِمْ سَاهُونَ ۝
5 ’al ladhīna hum ‘an ṣalātihim sāhūn(a)
ٱلَّذِينَ هُمْ يُرَآءُونَ ۝
6 ’al ladhīna hum yurā’ūn(a)
وَيَمْنَعُونَ ٱلْمَاعُونَ ۝
7 Wayamna‘ūna l-mā‘ūn(a)

بِسۡمِ اِ۬للَّهِ اِ۬لرَّحۡمَٰنِ اِ۬لرَّحِيمِ
Bismi l-lāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm(i)
أَرَٰٓيۡتَ اَ۬لَّذِے يُكَذِّبُ بِالدِّينِ ۝
1 ’arā’ayta l-ladhī yukadhdhibu biddīn(i)
فَذَٰلِكَ اَ۬لَّذِے يَدُعُّ اَ۬لۡيَتِيمَ ۝
2 Fadhālika l-adhi yadu‘‘u l-yatīm(a)
وَلَا يَحُضُّ عَلَىٰ طَعَامِ اِ۬لۡمِسۡكِينِ ۝
3 Walā yaḥuḍḍu ‘alā ṭa‘ami l-miskīn(i)
فَوَيۡلٌ لِّلۡمُصَلِّينَ ۝
4 Fawaylu l-lilmuṣallīn(a)
اَ۬لَّذِينَ هُمۡ عَن صَلَاتِهِمۡ سَاهُونَ ۝
5 ’al ladhīna hum ‘an ṣatihim sāhūn(a)
اَ۬لَّذِينَ هُمۡ يُرَآءُونَ ۝
6 ’al ladhīna hum yurā’ūn(a)
وَيَمۡنَعُونَ اَ۬لۡمَاعُونَ ۝
7 Wayamna‘ūna l-mā‘ūn(a)



1 Have you seen him who denies the Recompense?
2 That is he who repulses the orphan (harshly),
3 And urges not the feeding of AlMiskin (the poor),
4 So woe unto those performers of Salat (prayers) (hypocrites),
5 Who delay their Salat (prayer) from their stated fixed times,
6 Those who do good deeds only to be seen (of men),
7 And refuse Al-Ma'un (small kindnesses e.g. salt, sugar, water, etc.).

Translation:Noble Quran[1], 1999

1 Have you seen the one who denies the Recompense?
2 For that is the one who drives away the orphan
3 And does not encourage the feeding of the poor.
4 So woe to those who pray
5 [But] who are heedless of their prayer -
6 Those who make show [of their deeds]
7 And withhold [simple] assistance.

Translation:Saheeh International[2], 1997

1 Seest thou one who denies the Judgment (to come)?
2 Then such is the (man) who repulses the orphan (with harshness),
3 And encourages not the feeding of the indigent.
4 So woe to the worshippers
5 Who are neglectful of their prayers,
6 Those who (want but) to be seen (of men),
7 But refuse (to supply) (even) neighbourly needs.

Translation:Yusuf Ali[3], 1934

1 Hast thou observed him who belieth religion?
2 That is he who repelleth the orphan,
3 And urgeth not the feeding of the needy.
4 Ah, woe unto worshippers
5 Who are heedless of their prayer;
6 Who would be seen (at worship)
7 Yet refuse small kindnesses!

Translation:Pickthall[4], 1930

  1. ^ "quran.com, al-Ma'un (107), Muhsin Khan".
  2. ^ "quran.com, al-Ma'un (107), Saheeh International".
  3. ^ "quran.com, al-Ma'un (107), Yusuf Ali".
  4. ^ "quran.com, al-Ma'un (107), Pikhtall".