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Daily Urban System (DUS)

I plan to provide a better explanation of DUS because I do not quite understand what DUS is after reading the Wikipedia article. The explanation on it is a little too broad and monotone. The information on the Wikipedia article is only based on one article. I'm going to include a few more articles that provide different point of view or cases on DUS, with the use of examples of different cities from the articles I found. I'll try to look for credible sources that can provide a context for this term too, so that I can add to the article.

A study in Olomouc research on the traveling distance among locations such as schools, hospitals, retail stores, and culture and sports centers of the region, and the towns in the hinterland of Olomouc too. [1] The findings are different for the region and towns. The towns have shown improvement in traveling distance for commercial services, such as pharmacies and banking services. [1] There are groceries and retail shops moving to large commercial centers too, cutting down traveling distance, which allows people to shop at the malls without much travel.[1] However, the study finds little changes region wise. Bibliography

Halás, Marián and Zuskáčová, Veronika. "Travelling to Services in the Daily Urban System of Olomouc." Bulletin of Geography. Socio–economic Series. 20 (2013): 23–41.


Arts, Jos et al. "Benchmarking Integrated Infrastructure Planning Across Europe – Moving Forward to Vital Infrastructure Networks and Urban Regions." Elsevier B.V. 14 (2016): 303-312


Bretagnolle, Anne, Pumain, Denise, Vacchiani-Marcuzzo, C ́eline. "The organisation of urban systems in Lane, Pumain, Van der Leeuw, West (eds), Complexity Perspective in Innovation and Social Change ." Springer, (2009):197-220.

Burns, Elizabeth and Travis, Richard. "Small Town Growth and Metropolitan Commuting: Evidence from United States Daily Urban Systems." The Annals of Regional Science. 60.1 (1982): 75-78.