
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm working on a MediaWiki framework called Y2P. All you need to use it is this code:

// Y2P MediaWiki Framework
var Y2P = new Object();
importScript("User:Y2K/Y2P.Debug.js"); // optional; enables debug features; shows errors when they occur
Y2P.MediaWiki.AddPortlet(Id, Name)
Very similar functionality to topaz.wputil.addsidepanel().
Adds a new portlet to the sidebar on the left.
Using the code:
Y2P.MediaWiki.AddPortlet("p-extlinks", "external links");
will generate:
<div id="p-extlinks" class="portlet">
<h5>external links</h5>
<div class="pBody">
and put it in the sidebar underneath the others.

Very similar functionality to topaz.wputil.addsidepanelbutton().
Adds new items to an existing portlet. (Portlets include the tab bar, the personal bar and all the boxes in the left sidebar.)
Using the code:
    text: "my monobook js",
    url: document.getElementById("pt-userpage").childNodes[0].href + "/monobook.js",
    before: "pt-logout"
    text: "my monobook css",
    url: document.getElementById("pt-userpage").childNodes[0].href + "/monobook.css",
    before: "pt-logout"
will generate:
<li><a href="">my monobook js</a></li>
<li><a href="">my monobook css</a></li>
and place it in the personal bar in front of the "log out" link.
NOTE: You only need one parameter out of overwrite, before, addTo or addToRaw to define where the item is placed.

Full Example

var externallinks = Y2P.MediaWiki.AddPortlet("p-extlinks", "externallinks");
    text: "Joey Joe Joe Junior Shabbadoo's Website",
    url: "",
    addToRaw: externallinks
    text: "#wikipedia",
    url: function() {
    addToRaw: externallinks


<div id="p-extlinks" class="portlet">
<h5>external links</h5>
<div class="pBody"><ul>
<li><a href="">Joey Joe Joe Junior Shabbadoo's Website</a></li>
<li><a onclick="function(){"","_blank","width=600&height=380&scrollbars=no&status=no&toolbar=no&location=no&menubar=no&directories=no&resizable=yes")};" href="javascript:void(0)">#wikipedia</a></li>