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User:Yug/Sources Language Acquisitions

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Second language learning (SLA), Computer-assisted language learning, vocabulary acquisition research, cycle, e-learning, attitude, Piaget, Four stages of competence, Stephen Krashen, Acquisition-learning hypothesis, Language learning, Language Learning Strategy (LLS), Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS), Rote_learning (=repetition), Augmented learning (=e-learning with data mining)Bloom theory, Natural Language processing (NLP), Computer-assisted language learning (CALL).

Vocabulary acquisition

Downloaded  Done
  • (used) Krashen, S.D. (1982). Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition (full) (PDF). Oxford: Pergamon. pp. 20–30.
  • Barker, David (2007), "A personalized approach to analyzing 'cost' and 'benefit' in vocabulary selection (abstract)", System, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 523–533
  • (used) Bernard, Spolsky (1989), Conditions for Second Language Learning (summary) (PDF), Oxford University Press, ISBN 0194370631
  • Atkinson, R.C. (1975), Mnemotechnics in Second language learning (full) (PDF), p. 8
  • Nation, P.; Carter, Ron (1989), Vocabulary Acquisition (PDF), p. 139
    • Meara, Matrix models of vocabulary acquisition, p:66
Sciencedirect.com Group A  Done

24 Sciencedirect.com
Group B

Sagepub.com (not check elsewhere)
14 Gbook
  • Schmitt, N; McCarthy, M (1997), Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition and Pedagogy (partial preview), Cambridge University Press, p. 383, ISBN 9780521585514 {{citation}}: Unknown parameter |DUPLICATE_isbn= ignored (help)
    • Schmitt & McCarthy, 1997 : First chapter - Vocabulaire acquisition's Glossary
    • Laufer, B. (1997), "What's in a word that makes it hard or easy? Some intralexical factors that affect the learning of words", in Schmitt, M.; McCarthy, M (eds.), Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition and Pedagogy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 140–155
    • Schmitt, N. (1997), "Vocabulary learning strategies", in Schmitt, M.; McCarthy, M (eds.), Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition and Pedagogy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 199–227

14Somewhere else
  • (Ellis, 1991) on Long's works :
    • Long, 1990: the Negotiation of meaning has been shown to contribute greatly to the acquisition of vocabulary;
    • Negotiation of a word/lexical unit: The Negotiation of meaning has been shown to contribute greatly to the acquisition of vocabulary (Long, 1990)
    • Generative use of words: the use of words in new contexts which stimulate a deeper understanding of their meaning.


To search again
  • Nation, I.S.P. (2005), "Teaching and learning vocabulary", in Hinkel, E. (ed.), Handbook of Research in SecondLanguage Teaching and Learning, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, NJ, pp. 581–595
Not found WP/Gl/GlS/ScD.
  • Institut Supérieur des Langues Vivantes (I.S.L.V.), Université de Liège, Belgium
  • Dale, E. & O'Rourke, J., 1986, Vocabulary building. Columbus, OH: Zaner-Bloser.
Citations to search again


« Research on the sequence of acquisition of words is exhaustively reviewed by Nation (2001). Kasper and Rose (2002) have thoroughly researched the sequence of acquisition of pragmatic features. In both fields, consistent patterns have emerged and have been the object of considerable theorizing. Kasper, G. and Rose, K.R. (2002). Pragmatic Development in a Second Language. Language Learning, 52, Supplement 1. »


«  »
Tool approach

Whatever the context (stand alone ; example sentence ; short context ; in text), words glossed in the learner's L1 are always better retention scores compare than those glossed in L2. (Laufer & Shmuli, 1997) Words presented in lists and in sentences were remembered better than words presented in text and elaborated text. (Laufer & Shmuli, 1997) We can conclude to statements supporting our view: 1. lexicon's list such dictionaries are a good tools for vocabulary acquisition. 2. bilingual approach (definition in L1) is better for vocabulary acquisition.

Krashen oriented


Instructional scaffolding

Statement: Learning VS learning opportunities

« The interplay between language learner (Model: Social context, attitude, motivation, demographic characteristics, personality, capabilities, previous knowledge) and learning opportunities [...] determines the learner's success in achieving the linguistic outcomes. »
  • (Spolsky, 1989)

Statements: 1. Vocabulary is critical in SLA (perceive importance Voc>Grammar); 2. Acquirers complain limited vocabulary = major problem.

« Excellent reasons exist for devoting attation to vocabulary and spelling. First, there are pratical reasons. A large vocabulary is, of course, essential for mastery of a language. Second language acquirers know this, they carry dictionaries with them, not grammar books, and regularly report that lack of vocabulary is a major problem. »
  • (Krashen, 1989)

Statements: 1. Isolation of lexical items is critical 2. Checking tool. 3. Increases in SL [VocA] proficiency = provide easier access to those aspects.

« A comparison of language teaching methods know to be successfull in helping adults learn language reveals that the universal and presumably crucial ingrediants of formal instruction are 1. the isolation of rules and lexical items or the target language, and 2. the possibility of error detection or correction. This hypothesis predicts that any new system that produces significant increases in SL proficiency for adults will contain these two features. [Sucessful adult learners are those having] means of approaching rules and lexical items one at a time, and are getting feedback. »
  • (Krashen & Seliger, 1975)

Statement: Comprehensive input hypothesis = LA (LangA)/VA (VocA) takes place only when learners receive input slightly beyond their current level of L2 competence, “i+1.”

Lexicology & Lexicography (Chinese ~)

  • Linguistics: scientific study of natural language.
  • Lexicology: study of words, their nature and meaning, words' elements, relations between words (semantical relations), word groups and the whole lexicon.
  • Lexicography: creating dictionaries based on Lexicology's concepts.

  • Lexical semantics: study of how and what the words of a language denote/symbolyse (Pustejovsky, 1995). mapping of words to concepts in a Semantic net.
  • Semantic net: net of words lexical units linked by Lexical relations like synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy and hypernymy - and to a certain degree homonymy
  • Genus-differentiæ : definite a word as a precision of a general and know concept (stare: look fixedly... at someone/something)

Terms of lexicology:

  • Lexicon: complete vocabulary of a language, with words and expressions.
  • Idiolect: language unique to an individual. Ex: /le frère !/
  • Glossary/idioticon/vocabulary/clavis: alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the glosse/definitions for those terms. Usually ending a chapter/book.
    • Glosse : brief notation of the meaning of a lexical unit of a text.
  • Lexemes: list of variations of a word, such: Run (run, runs, ran, ...)
    • Lemma: the canonical form of the lemme's list > RUN
  • Chereme (Greek: "hand") : basic unit of signed communication. Ex: pointing with a finger
  • ?Word: common definition of a lexical unit loosely definite as a succession of graphemes having a semantic value and bordered by two space.
    • 中文詞語:由兩個或多個單字所組成,持有獨立的意思
  • Lexical entry/items/unit: are a single word or chain of words that are the basic elements of a language's lexicon (vocabulary).
  • * ?Lexis: one meaning of a lexical entry ?
  • Utterance (speech): a complete unit of speech in spoken language, generally but not always bounded by silences.
  • Vocable (speech): an utterance, term, or word that is capable of being spoken and recognized.
  • Morpheme : smallest linguistic unit that has semantic meaning. Ex: im|possible, 2 morphemes.
  • Grapheme : smallest unit in a written language. ex: /bag/, 3 graphemes ; but /a/ = /ɑ/ = 2 glyphs = 1 grapheme.
    • Glyphs: existing variation of a grapheme.
  • Phoneme : smallest segmental unit of sound employed to form distinctive words. Ex: /p/, /k/, etc."box" = 3 graphemes, but 4 phonemes: /ˈbɒks/.
  • ?Sememe : smallest semantic language unit of meaning, correlative to a morpheme. Ex: im(negation) |possible (can be done), 2 sememes
    • ?Seme: smallest unit of meaning recognized in semantics. existing variation of a sememe.


  • Sciencedirect.com: 2006, Chinese Lexicography, Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics, Pages 362-365
  • CAO Wei (College of Humanities, Shueparchy University, Jiangshu215021);The Definition of Heterograph and the Difference between Heterograph and Synonym[J];Chinese Language Learning;2004-01

The discrepancies of word in phonetics, morphology, [grammar] and semantics determine the differences that the word expresses in its quality and effect. (CAO Wei, 2004)


Memory: memorization cycle & memorization´s cost

1968 R.C. Atkinson-R. Shiffrin's Multi-store memory model: ① attention/focusing ; ② Encoding (Visual/Acoustic/Semantic) ; ③ Transfer to memory ; ④ Retrivial/usage. For an overview of memorization's processes.
Me Encoding (Memory)
1. Identifying/isolate (the object to memorize)
2. Understanding/characterize
3. Memorizing
4. Using
1. (Encoding)
3. Storage
4. Recall


  • Groot, Peter J.M. (2000), "Computer Assisted Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition", Language Learning & Technology, vol. vol.4 n⁰1, pp. 60–81 {{citation}}: |volume= has extra text (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)

Questions about Memorization cost


Hello Looie,

I currently read articles about memory for my master thesis (Vocabulary acquisition and Chinese lexicon), and I'm particularly interested by associative memory and vocabulary acquisition, but I don't find the answers or scientific article/book names to satisfy my curiosity. According to your user page ("neuroscientist specializing in learning and memory" !), I hope (pray) you can give me some ideas/ways to explore. There I my question:

  • Associative learning/memory: I read somewhere that "learning goes is easier when based on previous knowledge".
  • What is new vocabulary/lexical unit learning for the brain.
    In my opinion, "the memorization of a lexical unit is the memory processing (encoding/storage) of its constituents, namely new graphemes set, new phonemes set, and new seme such ① grand-parent (as new-unknow combination of graphemes) / ② ɡʁɑ̃.pa.ʁɑ̃ (new combination of phonemes) / ③ parents of someone's parents (new semes) and associating/grouping ① ② ③ altogether, in order to recall this lexical unit later".
  • harder that learning an association (all english : ① grand-parent (grand + parent = know↔know) ③ parents of someone's parents (new combination)

compound method - associative method - combinatory method