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So, don't complain if I fall asleep mid-sentence ;)

Konichiwa! As you may have noticed, I'm Zetaspark, and this is my user page at Wikipedia. I haven't been here long, about a week or so, but I thought I'd start out by making one of these pages. Where to begin? Ah yes. I'm 14 years old, male, and I live on Long Island, New York. It's pretty uneventful here; I can't fathom why an alcoholic drink would be named after this joint. I'm also more or less trilingual, with my native language being English. I've studied Spanish since I was in sixth grade, and I've been studying Japanese since October of last year. It's going well; I've only just memorized all of the Hiragana. I don't know much of the actual language, but I'm still learning.



I go to school in the Half Hollow Hills Central School District, and I've been here for the past nine years. Of course, I can't say I absolutely love school, but it's... okay. I attend Hills East, a school that's supposed to be all special and whatnot, but it's just business as usual to me. It's pretty large; there are around 2000 students and the building is about a mile long in total. Seriously, this place is humongous. If you don't believe me, just load up Google Earth or whatever and take a bird's-eye gander at it. The property in itself is also large; it must take up several acres or so. Our principal, Albert Kindelmann, suits our school perfectly; he's pretty tall, about seven feet. But he's a great guy, along with the rest of the administration. We have our own planetarium, and it's amazing. And our auditorium, it's... well, it's gargantuan. The stage is huge, and there are two floors of seating, including the balcony.

My teachers are great. They come from all walks of life. Well, kinda. My English teacher is Ms. Alycia Tozar, a relatively new teacher who teaches ninth grade honors as well as eleventh grade regular and AP. My chorus teacher, Mr. James Haefele, is a wonderful guy and is always good for a laugh. Not a half bad singer, either. Then there's Mr. Leonard Wood. He teaches Global History and Criminal Justice, an elective course available in our high school, well-known for their biannual field trips to a local correctional facility. Now, this guy's been around the block a few times. In fact, he is the most senior member of the faculty... in the entire school district. Not only that, he's been living here nearly longer than anyone else. Now, that deserves some props, don't you think?

To Kevin Oh


I beat you to it. By the way, the reason why it says I'm 14 is because I haven't updated this in 3 years. Go figure.