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Info for myself about JSTOR access:

JSOR Angela C

Customer support

Chat started


My account is Zezen, and I access it via Wikipedia Scholar. Why cannot I read this: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2979/israelstudies.22.2.02?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents ?

Angela C joined the chat

Angela C

Thanks for contacting us!

let me take a look, hold on just a moment

OK, I will be waiting. FYI, a year ago I received access from "Best regards,

Kristen Garlock

Associate Director of Education & Outreach, JSTOR"

Angela C

can you tell me your e-mail address?

I can look you up and see what the problem might be

Yes, the email is [].

My account here is Zezen, in turn.
Angela C

thanks, just a moment

Hi [], I found your account and I can see that you have access through Wikipedia Scholar, but I'm having trouble determining if you should be able to access that article that you sent


Angela C

I sent a message over to the person in charge of this access, but it might take her an hour or so to get back to her desk and respond

is it ok if I send you an e-mail as a follow-up?

OK. Please send email. FYI, this article seems to discuss the topical wiki page I contributed to some years ago, that is it discusses my own WP work. I learnt only today about it, and there is a lively discussion on WP right now. Hence I'd love to read it.

Angela C

Ah that totally makes sense!

The only reason i'm not sure about access to this article is because it falls within a special licensing category
Angela C

we have agreements with publishers about what we can make available of their most recent published work


OK, I am logging off here, waiting for your mail and explanation about which JSTOR articles we have access to etc. CU.

Angela C

I will send an e-mail to [] when I have an answer

Angela C

thanks! have a great day!

Hi [], are you still there?
I just got an answer back

Eh, well, I shouldn't but I forgot to close the tab, so I am <blush>...

Angela C

that's ok!

I found out that the Wikipedia program that you are a part of doesn't include access to current issues of publications
since that article was published in [[1]], that is part of their current issues

Aha. It is news to me.

Angela C

It looks like you should be able to view anything from that journal up to and including 2013

if you come across another article in the future you can't access, you can find out if it's part of their current issues by checking the moving wall date
You can find that by going to the article page (like this page: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2979/israelstudies.22.2.02) and then clicking "Journal Info"
and then you'll see text that says "Moving Wall: 3 years" or however many years the publisher agreed to


Angela C

that number of years means current year, minus 1, and then minus however many years they state

so this journal has a moving wall of 3 years
which is confusing, i know
but then you can check for yourself in the future
OK, thanks for the info and enjoy your evening - afternoon that is, I guess.