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To clarify, the long form birth certificate shows that my original birth name was John Serrapica Jr. (not Junior spelled out) and it also shows that the name was changed to John Serry Jr. (again, not Junior spelled out.) So, I have corrected the article by changing Junior to the suffix Jr. (talk) 01:10, 3 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Welcome to Wikipedia


Hello! Welcome to Wikipedia! Your recent edits suggest that you are editing an article about yourself, at John Serry Jr.

Wikipedia strongly discourages writing about yourself, as it's very hard to maintain a neutral point of view, stick to reliable sources, and avoid original research when it's about a topic that you inevitably are positioned to know better than anyone else.

If you haven't found the help page already, please read up on WP:AUTOBIO about this topic. In the future, it's advised that you request an edit from another editor, who should be able to judge the appropriateness of your edit and make any changes you request on the talk page.

Finally, if you'd like to engage with editing your article through the talk page as mentioned above, you may want to create an account and identify yourself as the article subject. You'll get all your edits and messages collected in one place that way, because I notice you have been editing from several IPs in the past. EditorInTheRye (talk) 07:37, 3 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]

To EditorInTheRye I am the subject of the Wikipedia article, John Serry Jr.
First of all, I do not, extensively edit the article about me. I check it occasionally and have corrected misinformation regarding my birth name, my discography and the personnel on my albums. I certainly possess authoritative factual information in those areas, so there is no question about neutrality. These things are verified facts, so there is no conflict of interest. Please remove the template as it is an overreaction to my having corrected 3 instances of misinformation (including misinformation which has been repeatedly inserted at the article.) This leads me to the next issue.
There is a user,, who has twice removed two of my released albums from the Discography at the article. He has used a different fraudulent excuse each time to remove the content. First, he removed the content saying that it was because there was no citation, even though, I personally had confirmed the albums and even though a simple internet search yields numerous results containing those released albums. After I restored the two albums to the discography and added two citations, the user again removed the albums from the discography, using as an excuse that the citations were e-commerce websites (Amazon.com.) This was an improper application of the guidelines regarding the inclusion of e-commerce websites for the purpose of removing factual content from the article. In fact, the Amazon links show that this user knew that he was again deleting factual content.
This user,, apparently habitually vandalizes Wikipedia content. He has been warned previously on his Talk page about harmful removal of content from other articles. I wish to make a complaint of vandalism here and ask that he be barred from editing the article about me, i.e., the article titled John Serry Jr.
Additionally, a user has entered an incorrect version of my birth name, making it John Serrapica Junior (with Junior spelled out) instead of the correct name on my birth certificate which is John Serrapica Jr. (with the abbreviation Jr.) He did this despite my having confirmed my birth name at the article per the birth certificate. Naturally, I corrected this. [Note: the surname was changed by my father from Serrapica to Serry after my birth. BTW I stopped using the Jr. professionally decades ago, but I understand why Wikipedia includes the Jr. In any case, it should not be Junior, spelled out, anywhere in the article.]
Again, I do not, as has been suggested, extensively edit the article about me. I do reserve the right to correct factual errors regarding things which are easily verifiable and/or things about which I have authoritative information, like what is on my birth certificate.
Kindly assist me, if you can, in blocking from editing, and repeatedly vandalizing, the John Serry Jr. article. (talk) 13:16, 3 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@ Hi there! Don't take the notice at the top of the article personally, it's just templated language. I put it there just to get somebody more experienced with musician biographies to have a look at it. I can help you add the albums back - is there a good source that can be used? Wikipedia often errs on the side of caution when it comes to biographies of living people, meaning that material (even if true) may be removed if there's not a reliable source. I'm sure you can appreciate how important this policy can be in when it comes to more controversial topics. I'm not sure this IP editor is being purposefully vandalistic (we accept and usually assume that people make Good faith edits until there's proof of the opposite), but I now have your article on my watchlist, so if it gets vandalised I will try to put it right! EditorInTheRye (talk) 14:31, 3 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]

To EditorInTheRye: It is not how I take the template wording, it is how readers take it. For many of them, it will put in doubt my more than 50 year professional career. You must find another way to contact an editor. I have already corrected the Discography, for the third time, after the errant user again improperly removed the two albums. That utterly valid correction of mine was one of the edits that led you to post the template that I say, again, is an overreaction and harmful to me. So, I ask you again to remove that template. I have reason to believe that the user is deliberately committing acts of vandalism. This is because of his repeated infractions, also at other articles, and because I suspect that I know the user's identity. There is a long history of misinformation committed by the person that I suspect is using that IP. (talk) 19:39, 3 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Sure, I've removed it as you're not the main author of this article and just making corrections (and I don't want to upset you). I'm not sure I see the edits from that IP as being part of a bigger campaign of vandalism, but if you're really concerned I suggest you get in touch with Wikimedia foundation - see this page for people with articles written about them for more info, as dealing with that is above my pay grade - I just do this voluntarily like everyone else... EditorInTheRye (talk) 20:08, 3 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]