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User talk:Buster7/Charles Felix Van Quickenborne

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • President Obama's political organization is being turned into a nonprofit group — funded in part by corporate money — to mobilize support behind the president's second-term agenda.
  • Organizing for Action, a tax exempt organization, will seek to harness the energy of the president's re-election campaign for future legislative fights. The group will be separate from the Democratic National Committee and advocate on key policy issues such as gun control and immigration, train future leaders and devote attention to local issues around the nation.
  • The group will be a 501 (c) (4) under the federal tax code, which grants tax-exempt status as long as organizations are not primarily involved in activity that could influence an election. As a nonprofit, it could run ads advocating support for an issue but could not be involved in political activity aimed at electing Democratic candidates.