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User talk:DynaDu

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is the wakeup call I needed to exit wikipedia. Looking back now I realized I was an immature idiot and asshole and I'm beyond embarrassed and ashamed. Trust me, at first I wanted to break things and had to go jog several laps to cool down... But after much thought I fully admit that I deserve it. Honestly a smaller punishment probably wouldve made me continue being a devious bastard but this is exactly what I needed to wake me up. Right now I feel refreshed and liberated because none of this means anthing to me anymore now that I can't and won't participate. I actually feel free for the first time in months. This massive blow has literally slapped the stupid nationalism disease out of my brain and punted the internet grudges (how silly does"internet grudge" sound, right?) out of my gut that I no longer feel any negativity toward any individual or group on wikipedia and for the first time in months I don't give a shit (pardon my french) what the hell is posted right now or in the future on wikipedia.It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel like I'm back in reality.

I SINCERELY apologize to EVERYONE. Please Trust me I'm not posting this to get in the last word or get a moral victory or sound triumphant or to revoke the ban (trust me I'm done for good) or Whatever. My posting this is the final step/conclusion so I can finally move on from this all, and from my disease, and more importantly to apologize and admit my wrongs. I genuinely feel regretful and so so stupid and want to say sorry for the mess I made and would revert it all if I could. In a way I wish I had never stumbled on wiki and got caught up in the hate and stupidity I got caught up in (don't get me wrong, Wikipedia is amazing. I just used it in ALL the wrong ways) which brought out the dishonest bastard in me, but I learned some important things out of this and I honestly feel I've grown a little. Stupid pointless nationalism is NOT worth it, especially at the expense of my persinal life. And in the future it would be fun to meet with the people i editwarred with and have a beer and laugh about the silliness of it all.

I am out for good. Goodbye.

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