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Assignment 3


Original - "Methanogen - Fermentative metabolism" There is no subheading for wastewater treatment. This wikipedia article is a start article with not much information listed. There is no previously written portion to be edited. However, new content is to be added.

The understanding of methanogen metabolism has progressed steadily since the 1930s.[16]

Although most marine biogenic methane is the result of carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction, a small amount is derived from acetate (CH3COO−) fermentation.[17]

In the fermentation pathway, acetic acid undergoes a dismutation reaction to produce methane and carbon dioxide:[18][19]

   CH3COO− + H+ → CH4 + CO2       ΔG° = -36 kJ/reaction

This disproportionation reaction is enzymatically catalysed. One electron is transferred from the carbonyl function (e− donor) of the carboxylic group to the methyl group (e− acceptor) of acetic acid to respectively produce CO2 and methane gas.

Archaea that catabolize acetate for energy are referred to as acetotrophic or aceticlastic. Methylotrophic archaea utilize methylated compounds such as methylamines, methanol, and methanethiol as well.

Edits0920 (talk) 06:48, 9 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Edit - "Role in Wastewater Treatment" Methanogens has industrial selected to play a key role anaerobic digestion technology because of its ability to metabolize organic matter efficiently. Anaerobic digestion is regarded as a sustainable and cost-effective method to breakdown organic pollutants in incoming wastewater and produces gaseous biomethane as an energy source to power the digester itself. [1] Bio-decomposition in the digester involves staged cooperative action of a variety of microorganisms. Acidogens first converts dissolved organic matter in wastewater to organic fatty acids. [3] Methanogenic archaea then metabolizes the organic acids yielding biogas leaving the aqueous layer as a byproduct.[1] Different types of wastewater can be processed by a variety of diverse methanogens, such as palm oil mill effluent (POME) and brewery waste processed by mostly members of the Methanosaeta genus. [3] The usage of methane-producing archaea in wastewater treatment have brought positive impact environmentally. It not only effectively produces alternative energy but it has also been shown that methanogens have minimized greenhouse gas emissions. [3] Wastewater from agricultural sources that are rich in organic material has been a major cause of aquatic ecosystem degradation and chemical imbalances in these habitats can lead to severe environmentally ramifications such as eutrophication. Through generation of renewable biomass in the anaerobic digestion technology, purification of water mitigates possible damage as well as locks biomethane production within digesters. [3] Advancing systems in wastewater treatment has become an active part of research in the field of chemical engineering. New generations of Staged Multi-Phase Anaerobic reactors and Upflow and Granular Sludge Bed reactor systems are designed to have an innovated feature to counter high loading wastewater input, extreme temperature conditions, and possible inhibitory compounds. [2]

References 1. ^ Lettinga, G (1995). “Anaerobic Digestion and Wastewater Treatment Systems.” Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 67 (1): 3–28. doi:10.1007/bf00872193.

2. ^ Lettinga, G; et.al. (1997). "Advanced anaerobic wastewater treatment in the near future" Water Science and Technology. 35 (10): 5 -12. doi: 10.1016/S0273-1223(97)00222-9

3. ^ Tabatabaei, Meisa; et.al. (2010). "Importance of the methanogenic archaea populations in anaerobic wastewater treatments" Process Biochemistry. 45 (8): 1214 -1225. doi: 10.1016/j.procbio.2010.05.017

Edits0920 (talk) 06:04, 8 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Assignment 2


Methanogens Critique

The methanogen article has high notability, since it has significant coverage of verifiable third-party sources to support its content. All references and citations are of peer-reviewed journal articles or textbooks, such as Gao B; Gupta RS (2007). "Phylogenomic analysis of proteins that are distinctive of Archaea and its main subgroups and the origin of methanogenesis", etc. Yet, being rated as a start-class in quality by Wikipedia, this article does have a disorganized feature and missing key information.

In the introduction, a rough overview of the physical characteristics, habitat, fermentative metabolism, and industrial importance were each described in one line with references. Although most were individually expanded in its respective sub-article, the industrial role of methanogens was not explored any further.

I believe the article can be improved by dedicating a separate section on this specific topic. In the introduction, it states: “Moreover, the methanogenic archaea populations play an indispensable role in anaerobic wastewater treatments” (Wikipedia Contributors) – this echoes the same idea from Tabatabaei et. Al, “Methane derived from anaerobic treatment of organic wastes has a great potential to be an alternative fuel”. This idea can be traced back to articles such as that from Richard Speece, “Anaerobic biotechnology for industrial wastewater treatment”, described in 1983 how methanogens can be used in anaerobic environments to achieve greater fuel gain of the system. The notability of methanogens role justifies why this characteristic should have its own section under the methanogens page.

A constructed plan for this article is to explain “why” methanogens are industrially selected, how methanogens benefit processes in wastewater plants, and the environmental impact of methanogens. The content for this section will be extracted directly from the three links shown in the references to help explain the significance. The references are chosen after surveying through the most cited articles according to the Google Scholar statistics. By including the most referred information, it aids the breadth and the depth of the article, therefore contributing to the organization of the article.

References: Lettinga, G. “Anaerobic Digestion and Wastewater Treatment Systems.” Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, vol. 67, no. 1, Mar. 1995, pp. 3–28., doi:10.1007/bf00872193. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00872193 Lettinga, G, et.al. "Advanced anaerobic wastewater treatment in the near future" Water Science and Technology. Vol. 35, Issue 10, pp. 5 -12. 1997. Web. <www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0273122397002229#!> http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0273122397002229 Tabatabaei, Meisa, et.al. "Importance of the methanogenic archaea populations in anaerobic wastewater treatments" Process Biochemistry. Vol. 45, Issue 8, pp. 1214 -1225. Aug 2010. Web. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359511310001984 Wikipedia contributors. "Methanogen." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 29 Aug. 2017. Web. 26 Sep. 2017 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methanogen

Edits0920 (talk) 01:40, 27 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Assignment 1


Article Critique: FtsZ

The article FtsZ has effectively utilized citations from 1991 to 2009 and references as new as from 2011 in which all are scholarly journals or publications. Although they all contribute to the criteria of notability and non-biasness, some relevant information could be updated to enhance a reader’s understanding.

The article addresses FtsZ as a prokaryotic homologue to eukaryotic tubulin, but to be precise we can incorporate research from Fusinitavan den Ent et. Al (2001), “structural and functional resemblance between the bacterial cell-division protein FtsZ and eukaryotic tubulin was the first indication that the eukaryotic cytoskeleton may have a prokaryotic origin.” Quoting the phylogenetic significance of FtsZ, it clarifies there are resemblance and evolutionary relationships between FtsZ and tubulin

Further, while the article states SulA as a communicator of distress for prokaryotes, the information was from 1988 and can be updated. In a research from Harold P. Erickson et. Al (2010), it further clarifies that SulA and MinC “inhibits assembly of FtsZ, leading to development of antibacterial drugs.” With the addition of this quote, it adds MinC into the context and addresses the significance of FtsZ in current antibiotic research.

Lastly, the article lists the formation mechanism of the Z-ring yet does not report the role of FtsA in the dynamic stability of FtsZ. In the research of Andrea Du Toit (2017), “fragmentation of FtsZ polymers leads to their detachment from the membrane, as short FtsZ fragments bind only weakly to FtsA, and this allows rapid reorganization of the FtsZ filament network into dynamic structures.” This passage address how the remodeling of the FtsZ network into higher-order structures is FtsA dependent.

References: van den Ent, Fusinita, Amos, Linda, and Löwe, Jan."Bacterial Ancestry of Actin and Tubulin." Current Opinion in Microbiology. Elsevier Current Trends, 27 Nov. 2001. Web. 17 Sept. 2017. doi.org/10.1016/S1369-5274(01)00262-4 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1369527401002624 Erickson, Harold P., Anderson, David E., and Osawa Masaki. Microbiol. FtsZ in Bacterial Cytokinesis: Cytoskeleton and Force Generator All in One. Mol. Biol. Rev. December 2010 74(4): 504-528; published 30 November 2010; doi:10.1128/MMBR.00021-10. http://mmbr.asm.org/content/74/4/504.short Du Toit, Andrea. Nature Reviews. Molecular Cell Biology: Cytoskeleton: Remodelling the FtsZ Network. 15 Vol. Nature Publishing Group, 12/2013. Web. 15 Sep. 2017. http://www.nature.com/nrm/journal/v15/n1/full/nrm3724.html?foxtrotcallback=true

Edits0920 (talk) 05:41, 17 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Rylance's Peer Review


In the original article, the introductory paragraph mentions the importance of methanogens in wastewater treatment, but does not elaborate any further. Adding this sub-heading into the article is thus very appropriate - it provides further insight into methanogens and their effectiveness in organic degradation.

In your paragraph, you gave lots of worthy information and you used reliable sources to present your facts. But because of the abundance of information, there appeared to be a lack of depth and explanation. For example, you start off your paragraph stating that methanogens and their anaerobic capabilities are efficient in metabolizing organic matter in wastewater, which reflects your topic nicely. However, you give little to no reasoning as to what makes methanogens so efficient. The only explanation I could see is when you noted their production of methane as their own fuel source.

One suggestion would be to incorporate more reasons for their efficiency, as this will help readers get a deeper insight into the effective role of methanogens in wastewater treatments. In reading through the articles you cited, there is an array of information describing the beneficial properties of methanogens. For example, in the article by Tabatabaei, it explains different waste products and the associated methanogen, plus the reasoning for their success, which you can incorporate into your paragraph. This will help condense your information into one central idea, rather than having many ideas with a lack of depth.

In addition, there appears to be quite a few grammatical errors and run-on sentences that affected my understanding of the added content. But overall, the topic is an appropriate addition to the article. One important way to integrate this new section into the article is to add more wiki-links for difficult jargon and to properly insert citation superscripts for uniformity.

Rylance (talk) 07:41, 9 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]