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User talk:Fancyspacepineapple

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Translation help

The "Mazu Cultural Palace" in Songjiang's Fangta Park, where you can get free soy milk and youtiao if you show up at the right times.

Since you were kind/foolish enough to have your name on this list, here's a note that I could use some help with the mess of Mazu temples in Shanghai. There were three; the first two were destroyed; the third got moved to Songjiang and rebuilt; and then as of 2014 Zhabei was considering rebuilding their old one. So:

If you have time and interest for any, some, or all of that, great and please leave a note here saying so. I'm asking all the listed Chinese translators for help, so we wouldn't want anyone needlessly duplicating work. — LlywelynII 02:42, 22 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Wiccan rede


Hi could you help me trabslate the Wiccan rede article into Chinese? I would really appreciate it. so far we have this: 翻譯: 您應該相信威卡的教規﹐用誠實和真誠的愛來信 但凡事都得饒處且饒人﹐你附出多少便應得多少 由北開始畫三個圓的圈﹐把所有妖魔鬼怪全除去 如果你想咒語變成現實﹐用順序或特殊音節念出 以柔制剛切勿意氣用事﹐靜心聆聽切勿大發謀論 美麗的月亮漸漸地變圓﹐大家開開心心跳舞歌唱 每逢新月之夜都是初一﹐大家歡歡氣氣一同慶祝 每逢月圓之夜都是十五﹐大家誠心誠意來許個願 每當北風呼呼地吹來時﹐門窗要鎖好帆布要落下 每逢南風呼呼地吹來時﹐心愛的人熱情地親親你 每當西風呼呼地吹來時﹐靈魂們趁機會起來活動 每逢東風呼呼地吹來時﹐豐富的大餐迎接新開始 九種不同的樹木放入鼎﹐猛猛地燃燒慢慢地燃燒 接骨樹是代表神聖女神﹐如燒接骨樹會被追咒的 當節日輪盤開始轉動時﹐沃爾帕吉斯夜燒篝火炬 當節日輪盤轉到冬至時﹐燃點起火炬迎潘皇再生 照顧好大自然花草樹木﹐神聖女神送幸福給人們 石頭水中拋前程就可知﹐用漣漪多少遠近看前程 如果要實現願望或理想﹐絕不可貪心或不責手段 不應該浪費寶貴的時間﹐結識一些不成實的朋友 見面和離別也同樣快樂﹐面頰紅紅的心情要愉快 記緊因果關係輪回三次﹐三次幸運或是三次災難 如不幸遇到災難降臨時﹐把藍色的星星戴在頭上 人人都要做到坦誠相見﹐除非他人全心欺編真成 威卡的教規八字真言是﹐「為所欲為傷人不為」 翻譯 更重要的是巫师或巫师的13个目标 认识你自己 了解我们的艺术 学习和成长 用智慧应用知识 达到平衡 保持你的话顺序 保持你的想法 庆祝生活 调整到地球的周期 保持身体健康 锻炼你的身体 沉思 尊重女神和上帝 is it translated right? (talk) 15:01, 9 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]