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Please Don't Bother


Aside from my ego's need to keep coming back to, in vain, explain why I am angry with Wikipedia, I don't edit here anymore, under this login, or, any login, or, even anonymously. I have a real issue with being asked to contribute time and money to this somewhat suspect enterprise, only to learn that there are apparently people who hold more authority than the rest of us and can run around arbitrarily smacking us with rulers. I am not some twelve-year-old wanting discipline, nor do I have an abundance of time to waste on an Internet flamewar; and I certainly don't have time to provide expertise or effort editing the "encyclopedic" pages here when I don't believe people should be using them for reference to begin with. So save your keystrokes! I'm sure there is another rogue editor somewhere you can exercise your authority on.

Below is previous chat that probably gives some idea of how the self-appointed powers-that-be and I have disintegrated over time. It's petty and trivial, but that should give you all an idea of what Wikipedia really is.

(As an interesting aside, I saw this recently on DGG's page, in response to another user: "DGG's a tenured and well-respected administrator with a reputation for even-handedness and an excellent grasp of our policies. You would save everyone's time if you just took his advice on how to present such a controversy without disputing it." So there you have it. While Brandon Harris asks you for your money because this is the first non-soul-sucking job he's had, and the project as a whole encourages you to "be bold!" and contribute for the betterment of mankind, people like DGG have friends that show up on your page and tell you stop talking to him, and other friends that just tell you to shut up and do what he says. Feeling appreciated, Wikipedians?)

--Free-world (talk) 21:10, 8 July 2012 (UTC)/Edited --Free-world (talk) 05:09, 12 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

BWI start date


yea sorry about that...I meant to put the PBI start date back it got lost with the other edits. thanks for fixing it Sox23 23:09, 1 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Bypassing redirects


Please see Wikipedia:Redirect#Don't fix links to redirects that aren't broken; thank you. --NE2 19:05, 8 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

When I want your opinion, jackass, I'll tell you what it is. Jesus. --Free-world 22:44, 8 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

January 2011


Your constructive contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, but a number of edits of yours have an edit summary that appears to be inappropriate. Please use edit summaries that accurately tell other editors what you did, but do not use edit summaries to comment on the subject, or on an editor. And remember that wehen you add a speedy template, you must say so explicitly in the summary. . DGG ( talk ) 15:48, 26 January 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Uh-huh. So you're complaining that I use swear-words in my edit summaries? Well at least I leave a summary of what I did and why. Most people don't leave any summary at all. It's appropriate, as far as I'm concerned. You concerning yourself with this is unbelievable. Who the hell are you, anyway? And, by the by, where am I supposed to have seen that I was supposed to "explicitly" state in the summary that I added a speedy template? As it was, I wasted 10 minutes trying to FIND the template. Just like I wasted about 5 minutes trying to find out how to respond to your post here on my talk page, so you'd see it. I gave up. The help on Wikipedia is awful and impossible to find. But I sure am glad that you appreciate my "constructive contributions."
Wow. So I went back and looked at your edits. I guess what I read here was the "nice" version, which I guess you felt compelled to put after you saw I responding to someone from 4 years ago. Maybe you also saw I've been making constructive, useful edits for over 5 years and that most--nay, all but perhaps two or three--had proper summaries. Or maybe not. But you know what, I guess you did NOT read what I wrote on my home page about how I do not want to hear from people complaining about ticky-tack nonsense. Or, you did, but somehow feel your place in this online community supersedes mine--perhaps because you apparently have all the time in the world to live on here editing things and talking about it. Well I leave it to you and your ilk, then. I am genuinely done wasting my time with this. Wikipedia is about 45% useful to me as a research tool, and may in fact be detrimental since it appears people seem to think that they don't need to put useful information elsewhere anymore, since Wikipedia is here. I don't really think I *want* to be involved in it anymore. I'll leave it to the PR department at MGM to provide the useful content, and you can compliment them on their careful following of the arcane and ever-changing rules. --Free-world (talk) 01:10, 1 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]
see my comment to your posting on my talk p. If you insist on using ", swear-words and name-calling and all. ", you may not continue to contribute here. Consider this a final warning. (as for the summaries themselves, we now have the ability to remove them, while leaving the edits, and I have done so. DGG ( talk ) 03:32, 1 February 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Come talk to me


I wish I would give you a belated welcome, but I don't know. Please don't talk to DGG anymore; what I see is attacking DGG and utter bitterness. Continuing contact with administrator DGG may get you blocked, unless you become civil. Also, you considered List of The Simpsons episodes as utter trivia. You haven't noticed, or I guess no one told, that WP:notability (fiction) was a guideline but failed as a guideline because there is no other way to exactly dictate what notability of fictional material must and should be. Also, fiction is the main purpose of readers. Even writing about fiction is not that easy. Anyway, you can contact me if you need my help. --George Ho (talk) 17:59, 8 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

That's kind of you to welcome me--some eight years or so after I first made an edit here (but perhaps not under this login name, since I originally edited without one). My chief complaint was who, exactly, put people like DGG in charge anyway, to come onto MY talk page, uninvited, to dictate how to behave, when I was making useful edits? You may notice he started this discussion, not I, early last year. I dropped the argument by dropping off Wikipedia. I came back out of curiosity to see if anything came of it and saw he'd responded with sheer arrogance, and it annoyed me enough to retort. He in turn responds with more arrogance and threats, and so it goes. Now he feels threatened, apparently , and has run to a peer. It really is an example of how churlish Wikipedia is. Again, I don't know who put any of you in charge, but I did not elect you, appoint you, approve you as my leader. You want a community of peers that is run off donations of money, time, energy, and effort; yet apparently there is a cabal of elite who can swoop in and arbitrarily enforce their will, and make threats of loss of privileges unless I acknowledge that authority. It's not what I signed up for. When I start a job, I know who I'm working for at least. When I chose to participate in this community, I didn't even know you existed. It's not a realistic construct.
It is nice of you to offer to talk, as if my concerns might be of some use to the community after all; but, it's about 18 months too late. Your offer is suspect anyway. Of all the points I raised in my now deleted post on DGG's talk page of the many problems I have with this entire project, you focus on the most trivial, my complaint about fan-site-like material. I'll take that as a clue, then, that any discussion would focus on such trivialities, while the larger issues I raised go unanswered; or worse, are simply dismissed as me "attacking" and "uncivil." This is exactly what happened 18 months ago in my retort to DGG's childish whining about my language in my summary edits on my posts--he is concerned I wasn't quite nice enough when deleting SPAM content; he ignored any meaningful contributions I made. I raised real issues in my last post to him, and he deleted them and complained to you that he was being bullied. There is no meeting of the minds here with him, despite him being the one to lob the first snowball; I somehow doubt that you'll be providing me with a different experience based on what you've said so-far.
It would be interesting to me if you told me how I could block DGG and any other "administrator," whoever they may be, from posting on my talk page in whatever manner they want. (I don't sense much civility in DGG's posts; just patronizing arrogance, so it seems to be I should be able to make good on the same threats he and you have made towards me.) If I can't, then that demonstrates the exact lack of equity that I am complaining about that started my tiff.
But even then, fixing that wouldn't solve my largest issue with this entire project, which is that it has become the lazy-man's authority. At this point, I just want to see Wikipedia diminish in its influence and popularity, and be more rightly considered an informal resource of general knowledge, rather than some specialized authoritative resource on every topic under the sun. That is the larger issue that will never get addressed, because you are apparently all too concerned with whether I used the right template or adopted a humble enough tone when addressing one of the administrators.
Real life beckons. Thanks for the discussion, however civil or un- it might have been.  ::--Free-world (talk) 20:56, 8 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Go to WP:Wikiquette assistance if you feel treated uncivilly. I don't know how it helps, but... --George Ho (talk) 21:04, 8 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]
It doesn't help at all. DGG is rude and his input unwelcome, but, apparently, he has authority over me--authority I never gave him. Where's the "WP:Why Wikipedia Pretends To Be A Flat Democratic Community But Actually Has People WIth More Power Than You Doing What They Want When They Want" page? While we're at it, George, maybe you can explain exactly who you are, and what authority you have to even welcome me (maybe) and threaten me if I respond to DGG, even though he invited me to do so (as you can see in his comments to me, in the history of his talk page, before he deleted them)? --Free-world (talk) 05:09, 12 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I'm a general editor, like you. I hold no authority; in fact, DGG has removed all your messages. While we're at it, he would file you to WP:ANI if you attempt to contact him again. Anyway, I want to know more about you in general. I wonder what subjects are you interested in. If you have an interesting subject, you can work on that subject in Wikipedia. --George Ho (talk) 05:21, 12 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Well, first off, DGG contacted me, out of nowhere, in January of 2011. You can read what he wrote right here, and what he wrote then deleted in my history. Then you can read what he wrote on his own talk page in February of 2011. I contacted him recently because for the first time since February, 2011, I logged in to see if my account was still here, and finally read his response to me. It irked me so much I told him as much, and he responded with an even snottier reply--which included, I might add, a comment welcoming me to "come back in a year to tell me why you refuse to be civil." I decided to over-achieve and answer him earlier.
Suddenly, you arrive, someone I've never hear of--just like I never heard of DGG--telling me not to talk to him anymore. Nevermind that he started this by making threats, removing my edit summaries, and generally maligning me on his talk page. You make threats saying I "may be blocked." How did you get involved in the first place?
I have never heard of the WP:ANI page before as I'm not even remotely interested in the endless attempts to instill "rules" in Wikipedia. When I was actively editing, you can see from my contrib history that what I spent my time on was adding citations, improving wording, adding updates on items that were in the news, and, early on, in keeping a very close watch on the page for Baltimore-Washington International Airport, my home airport. But I lost interest in that when some other user (see above) popped on here whining about me correcting re-directs. It was after that that I stopped editing as frequently, and when I did choose to contribute, used the edit summary to voice my opinion. It was one of these mini-editorials that set DGG, self-proclaimed police of edit summaries, off onto my page with his patronizing comments 18 months ago.
Maybe I'll lodge a complaint on that WP:ANI page about DGG. If he wants to barge into other people's edits and be rude and condescending, as he has been to me, maybe he needs to be held accountable for it, and he can see what it's like to deal with someone getting petty over nothing while ignoring one's greater contributions. If my complaints are taken seriously then I might actually believe this is a democratic, flat organization after all. But I suspect I'll be told that DGG, by virtue that he apparently spends 18 hours a day editing Wikipedia and participating in flamewars, is to be believed and respected without question. After all, that is exactly what another user was recently told on DGG's talk page.
And therein lies my complaint. When did I agree to be overlorded by DGG, or anyone else? I didn't. Yet he came here to boss me around, then ran away like a hurt puppy and got someone else to threaten me with a loss of editing privileges when I fight back. There is clearly a hierarchy to which I am expected to swear fealty. I never agreed to that when I contributed my time.
As for continuing contributions: as I noted, this petty bickering, combined with the world's increasing over-reliance on Wikipedia as an authoritative resource (when it is not) means I've lost all enthusiasm for this--and I was definitely an "early adopter" who used this site above all others to spread the Gospel of Wikis back in 2004-2005 at work and elsewhere. But thank you for your interest in having me contribute. Perhaps if someone had shown that to me earlier, instead of just thrashing around, threatening me, and being rude, I'd feel differently about this than I do now.
I would still be interested in knowing how you got involved in this. And there is no need to keep reminding me that DGG will flex his mighty authority on me if I dare scribble on his talk page again. I never wanted to hear from him in the first place, and I'm more than happy to have him go away for good; I have no motivation to engage with him, especially now that he's shown that he's the sort that likes to start petty fights, then run away when we don't all cower before him. He seems like a typical academic in that regard. --Free-world (talk) 06:05, 14 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]
You have the good fortune in not being alone in hostility. See for example [1]
Interesting, thanks Jim. Surely we all just look like cranks, I suppose. At this point the last thing I'll ever be looking towards is yet another online community. Considering I've been on the Internet watching these kinds of arguments for over 20 years (going back to the Usenet), I think I've seen the pattern enough by now, and may even be smart enough finally to stop believing "this time it will be different." Strange to think I was once an enthusiastic supporter and quondam contributor to this particular project. Live and learn, I guess. (And re-learn, and re-re-learn...) --Free-world (talk) 05:09, 12 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Newer section


I don't know about your mentioning DGG at excessive amount, which would come off as an obsession. As for getting involved, I happen to respect DGG more than you do because he has compelling arguments in AFDs, especially about fiction. Also, I had added his talkpage into my watchlist. If you want to contact him, notify him only when you file a complaint against him in WP:ANI, but I'm not quite sure if this gets him banned. In fact, since your motivations are obviously getting rid of DGG, people might see you as disruptive there. Well, I tried filing a report on one user, and, due to my "incompetence" in the past, I was blocked, not that user. I hope you don't go to that level that I was in before block. --George Ho (talk) 06:16, 14 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I see. Well, I am not "obsessed" with DGG. He pushed the wrong button on me 18 months ago, and, honestly, after blowing up at him at the time and storming out, I mostly forgot about it, except for those times when I thought about editing an article here. Then I'd remembered that I said I wouldn't spend time on that anymore because twice now, I've had people plop onto my Talk page and berate me over some petty thing. DGG just happened to be the more recent, and, the more rude.
I honestly did not even look at my talk page between when I made my last edits here in Feb 2011, and just a week ago or so. I did it out of idle curiosity, and when I saw what he said to me back then, it pushed my buttons again. I guess I could have let it go, but I answered him back, belatedly. He answered me. I responded. Then he retreated by deleting all my comments (which were hardly rude, just...opinionated), and then, confusingly, you show up telling me to leave him alone. I of course assumed he'd sent you.
I looked at that WP:ANI page and it made me vaguely ill. I remember reading alt.flame back in the late 1980's on the USENET; it's the same crap. The day I wade into that over anyone here will be the day LL Bean makes a killing selling snow jackets in hell. So again, DGG has nothing to fear. In any case I do not want to "get rid" of him. I want him to go back in time 18 months and leave me alone. Clearly I've irked him enough by pushing back that he's leaving me alone now, so, that's something.
In another week or so, I'll probably forget about this all over again, except to once again stop myself from spending the time making any edits here when I see a place I could contribute. And maybe next time I get the urge to look at my Talk page, I'll stifle that, too.
Good luck to you George, and happy editing. --Free-world (talk) 06:36, 14 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

You appear to be eligible to vote in the current Arbitration Committee election. The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to enact binding solutions for disputes between editors, primarily related to serious behavioural issues that the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the ability to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate, you are welcome to review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. For the Election committee, MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 13:43, 23 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Free World/paradise on planet EARTH


~The new garden of Eden where all citizens obey the heavenly king and creator of minds and has the supreme powers over all winds/ventilation weather lightininings'storms mountains Libido oceans/seas and no death for us all :no politics nor coup de tat.and the supremacy remains with the most high Creator of spirit and soul 144000 of his cabinet rules the Earth internally for the good of its populus no danger at all and free from treads and promises binding 'relief form pain ~((Dikgosi Sejabodile)) — Preceding unsigned comment added by Dikgosi Sejabodile (talkcontribs) 00:46, 3 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Wiki Rules/leads


~Wikipedia rules and leads the world wide web from this moment/time to the eleventh hour:when when the Kingdom seeking population says :Why abunden us for so long good Authority? for plessure is in you and supremacy floods our souls/spirit for another Thousand years A millinium bug? PEACE BE STILL upon planet EARTH control the birds of the sky,fish of the OCEANS/SEAS and animals of the land :No journery so smooth :NO violations of pen/fingertpis no legislator and law maker ~((Dikgosi Sejabodile)) — Preceding unsigned comment added by Dikgosi Sejabodile (talkcontribs) 01:11, 3 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Respect and Honour


~Disiplenary obedience and abanding commmanding veture(((DJS)) — Preceding unsigned comment added by Dikgosi Sejabodile (talkcontribs) 10:37, 3 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]