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User talk:Irishpunktom/proposed Infidel

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An infidel (from the Latin in fidelis, literally, "one without faith") is one who rejects central tenets of a religion, doctrine, system, or principle.

The Catholic Church used this term, now seen as an archaism, to describe anyone who had not received Baptism. [1]. It attained special promenance during the Crusades when Papal decree meant that slaying an Infidel, specificaly Jews or Muslims, would count as a form of Penance.

In Catholic theology, simply being an infidel does not imply that one is a sinner. The Church recognises that infidels may perform good deeds of virtue and charity, but holds that, without baptism, they will be excluded from paradise.[1].

Non-Believers in other religions

  • The Arabic word kafir (كافر) is used by Muslims to describe non-Muslims and is translated into English as "infidel" or "unbeliever". Some Muslims prefer to use the term "Non-Muslim" as "kafir" may be seen as pejorative.[1] Turkish speaking Muslims may use the word giaour in this respect.
  • The word Mlechcha is used by Hindus to describe non-Hindus. Like Barbarian, it originally denoted one who speaks a different language.

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