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User talk:Marudubshinki/Archive 13

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About Asuka Langley Sohryu


I thought she might be classified as a psycho because of her behaviourduring Neon Genesis Evangelion which borderlines insanity, in and outof the Evangelion. She pretty much loses her mind towards the end ofthe series. She acts pretty psychopathic during her fight with theMass-Produced EVAs during End of Evangelion.

Sorry if I did a miscalculation, but I just thought. --GamerJay.

Aside from the one incident in EoE, she does have some serious mentaldisturbances bordering on (high-performing) insanity, but do theyqualify as psychopathic? I don't think so, especially when youcompare her to the other entires in the category. It seems othersdon't either, so you would be advised to ask on the talk page firstfor similar edits. No real harm done, and we do have BeBold policy here. --Maru (talk)Contribs 20:42, 27 October2005 (UTC)

I greatly appreciate your support at my RFA, and no less so because ofyour general stand against the use of RFA as a remedy in Arbcom cases.I hope that my explanations have served to answer any outstandingquestions you might have. Regards, --St|eve 04:29, 28October 2005 (UTC)

I've said my say. Sufficient other people are interested in you thatI feel no need to examine in more detail whatever transgressions youmay have committed. --Maru (talk)Contribs 05:17, 28 October2005 (UTC)

Your comment


Tell that to Copperchair. Have you read what he and I are arguingover? He wants to credit actors in the Star Wars films, based onwhether or not they have been officially included in the credits. WhatI told him is that wikipedia doesn't go by the credits, they go byreality. For example, he wants to exclude Hayden Christensen asplaying Anakin in ROTJ becuase he's not included in the credits. Didhe appear in the movie? Yes. Should he be credited in anencyclopedia as being in the movie? Yes. Why? Becuase anencyclopedia goes by reality. --TheWookieepedian 04:58, 28 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I'm trying to stay out of this because it is annoying and petty, buta comment like that I couldn't help but reply to. And you don't needto explain that to me; I already know where I stand.--Maru (talk)Contribs 05:17, 28 October2005 (UTC)

User category


Why are you adding the Category: Chaotic Good Wikipedians to userpages? If they choose to identify themselves that way then they can doso themselves. --Willmcw 02:06, 30 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

They already did; please see Wikipedia:Wikipedians by D&Dalignment. --Maru (talk)Contribs 02:08, 30 October2005 (UTC)
No, they did not add a category to their user pages, they addedthemselves to a list. It would be better if you simply put a note ontheir talk page alerting them to the category so they can addthemsleves if they so choose. --Willmcw 02:19, 30October 2005 (UTC)
A list which I've converted into categories like they should be inthe first place. But I haven't heard any complaints yet, so I willrest my defense until some feedback comes in.--Maru (talk)Contribs 02:29, 30 October2005 (UTC)
Well, if no one minds, then I guess it's OK. Usually editing userpages is discouraged. Cheers, -Willmcw 05:05, 30October 2005 (UTC)
Also keep in mind that this is a fairly common practice- my ownuser page has been editted w/r/t categories multiple times, and Inever had cause for complaint. --Maru (talk)Contribs 05:06, 30 October2005 (UTC)



While for someone who clearly is a Star Wars fan (judging by your Userpage) it may be obvious that sw means Star Wars, there are a whole lotof other things that sw can be an abbreviation for, several ofwhich, such as software and shortwave, do have a significant number ofstubs. It's not just Star Wars that's being imposed upon, the StubSorting project has a general policy of getting rid of ambiguousabbreviations such as sw. --Caerwine 04:57, 30October 2005 (UTC)

Y'know, it is ironic I can be pegged as a fan; when I came here I wastrying to exorcise my youthful infatuation with Star Wars (and I stillam; notice that my first edits were to a webcomic article, and onlytwo of my ToDos are Star Wars-related), thinking that if I set downall my SW knowledge into the articles, I could finally bring myself toforget. I've made a lot of progress- after 9 months I am about 1/4done. :)
But seriously, you make a good point. I hadn't realized that sw couldbe taken in so many ways. --Maru (talk)Contribs 05:03, 30 October2005 (UTC)

No personal attacks.


Well, I had already tried over and over again to be reasonable withhim, and he refused. --The Wookieepedian04:16, 31 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Just keep reverting until the RFAr grinds to a conclusion. Personalattacks only harm our case. --Maru (talk)Contribs 04:31, 31 October2005 (UTC)

Nice category


So I'm neutral good categorized now? Good work, keep it up. Happyediting. --Lectonar 09:08, 31 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Don't shoot the messenger! I only did as the list bid me do!--Marudubshinki
Neutral goods don't shoot anybody ;-) --Lectonar14:34, 31 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Neutrals wouldn't really care either way- it'd balance out some oftheir do-gooding. Druidic true neutrals wouldn't even worry about thebalancing... --Maru (talk)Contribs 16:44, 31 October2005 (UTC)
I should have added: ...here on wikipedia. Here, we can only blockyou (but would this constitute a good act?) :)))--Lectonar 12:26, 1 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I would like to think that blocking me would be bad. But then,as a chaotic neutral, I'm a bit selfish. --Maru (talk)Contribs 19:47, 1 November2005 (UTC)

Request for arbitration accepted


Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Copperchair has been accepted.Please place any evidence at Wikipedia:Requests forarbitration/Copperchair/Evidence. --Fred Bauder19:41, 31 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Nope, that is complete and total bull-Sith. This is much moreaccurate: http://www.theforce.net/swenc/entrydesc.asp?search=18164.--Jon Hart 21:43, 31 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

*sigh* I was afraid of that. Yay, another stub toexpand... --Maru (talk)Contribs 21:46, 31 October2005 (UTC)

I would like to first give thanks for your service to Wiki, truecontributors like yourself make 'the Open Source brand(tm)' possible.:)
I think the one who brought up the NPOV issue had both points.For point one, IFLs are cut down versions of the full spec, known as aCP (Central Processor). The IFLs are 'broken' to run *nix only andsave on licensing, and are otherwise identical to CPs. As for the'public' the General Public is offered the Licencefree of charge, much like Wikipedia offers itself. On a side note IBM,the manufacturer of the zSeries, is raping Open Source and hopefullyGPLv3 will fix that.
I would be happy to help you in the future, and I thank you again foryour contribution. Contact me atmaru@cuimalo.e4ward.com
--Cuimalo 09:24,3 November 2005 (UTC)

Is that what they are? Could I trouble you to add that?--Maru (talk)Contribs 21:09, 3 November2005 (UTC)