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Over here versus over there


So Maru. Have you had fun constantly reverting SuperShadow crapfrom articles like Yoda and the like? This is the very reason Icannot continue keeping up with stuff here versus theWookieepedia. If you don't want anons constantly adding noncanoninfo, then its best to make a section in that article that denouncesall that information, or you could put in the infobox "intentionallyunknown" or something to keep the anons and easily fooled fromchanging it again. Well I'm going back to the other Pedia.--Riffsyphon1024 05:33, July 21, 2005 (UTC)

Bah! If one cannot take the heat, one should depart the kitchen. Scurry back to your unknown, insular little Wiki; I shall continue tocherry-pick of your compatriots' work (and, as always, contribute/fixmy new articles. Incidentally, what did you think of the Grand Admiralarticles?). At least my work here will actually be read.--Maru 01:58, 22 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Bogus vfds


Thank you for removing most of the bogus vfds fromUser:'s rampage. His trolling is becoming more thana simple annoyance, and is disruptive to Wikipedia. I would list himon vandalism in progress (again),but I'm still not clear on the policy, and whether or not thisconstitutes vandalism. If it doesn't, then still, something needs tobe done. I particularly laugh at the fact that he clearly looked at myuser page, went down the list of articles I created,and added a vfd to each page, one by one. You'd think he'd at leastmake an attempt to hide the fact that his intent was malicious, but Iguess not. Anyway, thanks for the help. --Nufy8 19:14,24 July 2005 (UTC)

I think you could make a very strong case for vandalism- none ofthose are at all serious noms (like the Sion one is- that one does notseem to be going well, frankly.) And no thanks are necessary, orexpected, but it's nice to know someone noticed.--Maru 02:51, 26 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Racist poopy


You are poopy! You calling me a vandal? Well you racist poopy!!!!!kornflaces

See, this is exactly what I meant by the whole 'vandal' thing.--Maru 05:14, 6 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

In the Clone Wars video game The New Droid Army, Anakin Skywalkerfights and "kills" a Force doppelganger of Count Dooku. In Yoda:Dark Rendezvous, set two years later, Dooku reveals that at somepoint during the Clone Wars Anakin killed a clone of him (Dooku). It'simplied that this was an authentic clone, not just a Force-generatedillusion controlled by the real Dooku, and I wanted to specify that inthe article. Jon Hart 21:33, 6 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Ah, I see- I do not play the video games nor have I caught up on theEp III novels; rather tenuous though. Good luck with the inevitablevfds alleging non-notability. :) --Maru 01:34,7 August 2005 (UTC)

Dune quote


I think the catholic in O.C. bible has zero overlap withcatholicism. Dune Encyclopedia has large section on O.C. andalso touches origin of its name but without giving definitiveexplanation. --Pavel Vozenilek 14:32, 7August 2005 (UTC)

There is overlap: if you had read the DE entries, you would havenoticed that the Roman Catholic church was one participant in theEcumenical council, that several other groups had the word 'catholic'in their names, and that they chose the word catholic as part of thetitle as an expression of how 'universal' they wanted the OC bible tobe. --Maru 16:29, 7 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

About the changes to the article, do you think you could revert thewhole female thing by User:Pattern spider and the anon thatdeleted the canon bit please? I tried explaining the situation on theDarth Revan Talk page, but the user seems to have ignored it. Also, Itried contacting that user on his/her talk page, and it seems thathe/she ignored that as well. I don't want to break the three-revetrule, but I'd hate for someone to stumble on the page and take infalse information, especially after it's been discussed and proven atsuch length. --Nufy8 23:30, 8 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

If I didn't already agree with you, I'd accuse you of violating thespirit of 3R. :) Consider it done. --Maru23:34, 8 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Much appreciated. --Nufy8 23:41, 8 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

KOTOR II characters


What do you think of the current state of the KOTOR II characterspages? It seems some of them are in the minor characters page and someof them have pages of their own. I think it would be better if all ofthem had articles. What do you think? --Psi edit

With the caveat that the characters can't be minor, I agree- but whoare you thinking of? The three Sith Lords have articles, the Exile andAtris have articles &etc. --Maru 19:14, 9August 2005 (UTC)
Vissas, Handmaiden, Disciple. I think there may be more. --Psi edit
Handmaiden, Disciple, and the other party members I don't thinknotable enough yet to rate more than a large-ish 'minor characters'page, since they don't truly affect the story. Visas though shouldprobably be in a solitary page; come to think of it, didn't she have apage before, and it got merged? --Maru 02:44,10 August 2005 (UTC)
Yes she did and it is now merged here. And I happento think that the Handmaiden should have its own article, I guess if Ican find more info for those 2 I will remake the articles for them.--Psi edit
Well, good luck finding enough data to justify popping offHandmaiden off the list. --Maru 01:52, 11August 2005 (UTC)



If you would, Force-sensitive could use any information that makesan exception to the at-birth idea, or just some clarification thatit's possible to teach it within other disciplines (and maybe namesome). --Nufy8 18:39, 13 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Oh. Sure- just didn't realize the article existed.--Maru 18:41, 13 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Sith And Dark Jedi Code


I got it from this forum: [1].Hope i've been of assistance. --Ood Bnar 18:04, 17 August 2005 (UTC)

That does indeed help a bit and I appreciate it, but reading throughit it seems that various forumites variously claim it is taken fromthe Revenge of the Sith novelization or something to do with theShadow Academy (which may or may not be the one in the Young JediKnights.) Further checking is needed, but I'm gonna leave it as it isuntil I find out one way or other. --Maru18:18, 17 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]



Props for expanding the Warlord Zsinj article— I wasastounded when I stumbled onto the article and saw that there wasbarely any material for that character. – Mipadi04:29, August 20, 2005 (UTC)

Hold the kudos for when I'm done! I've still his whole decline to do!(and so was I). --Maru 05:32, 20 August 2005(UTC)
I'm gazing in awe, and now you deserve the kudos. Nice work with theZsinj article! – Mipadi 01:09, 11 September 2005(UTC)
Thanks! Unfortunately, I was going to go through the X-Wingseries, and add missing data but I no longer have the books. :( Ohwell, the edits I just made will have to satisfy. (Yes, there was moreI could add, and I did.) --Maru(talk) 03:37, 11 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]